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More Buildings #107

Open Luxor70 opened 1 year ago

Luxor70 commented 1 year ago


It would be nice to have more building slots, so that we could add custom buildings.

Commit hash:

Vanilla 1.5

Why is it good for the game?:

More flexibility for modders.

Matt-Caspermeyer commented 1 year ago

While interesting, we'd have to define the purpose of these new structures.

We could probably easily add a second page to the Build City menu, (we could add the Unknown / University, for example to this second page).

So I think we'd have to flesh out what the purpose of these new structures would be and then decide if they are important enough to add.

Please post ideas for new structures and their purpose and we can decide if adding more is merited.

This is probably beyond V1.6 at the moment.

Luxor70 commented 1 year ago

Cool. Just let me to a consideration. Making a game moddable doesn't mean Vanilla has to add all stuff. See what you guys did with units/techs. You opened up slots but you left modders to do that. What is doing great this is game is exactly the capability for modders to change things. Given that, I would allow for more building slots even if Vanilla 1.x will not add any of them. It would be very appreciated by modders and consequently by players too. Many strategy games built their success on this approach (think about stellaris, hearts of iron, europa universalis). They sold a lot also because there were excellent mods out there.

Anyway, if you need a list of useful buildings, University is one, Cathedral as an enhanced version of the Church, but probably best would be to make a post on discord and asking people what they would like to see added. If that is not against the rules, I could do that.

Matt-Caspermeyer commented 1 year ago

I'd prefer to put the ideas right here, that way they are captured as the Discord scrolls away and ideas are forgotten about in about a week or missed entirely.

What I will do is look into creating the system to allow MODders to add more structures, and then to your point, it will be up to the MODding community to start figuring out what else they would like to add.

Since there is no current need for this, this will probably be in V1.6 or beyond...

Luxor70 commented 1 year ago

Cool, thanks.

Luxor70 commented 1 year ago

Just came up with an example, that would improve strategical depth of the game (but many others can be found). Ur-Ukar clan warriors could be built on a specific building (Ukari Recruitment Office) present on Kordeth and Aylon. Whoever controls those buildings can have access to these units. In this way it would give more and specific importance invading these planets. Just me 2 cents, of course, but do not underestimate the possibilities that this feature could open up. It would be as important as having increased the unit slots.

Matt-Caspermeyer commented 1 year ago

That's a really neat idea - I think the inclusion of some of the other race's structures or buildings (or really the capability to implement truly unique or alien structures on other planets) would bring a lot of flavor and variety to the game!

Luxor70 commented 1 year ago

Cool, glad you liked the idea. By the way, it should be good to have external bmp files loaded for building icons, as you did for units.

EvilMurlock commented 1 year ago

You can do a lot of stuff with more buildings, you can have mine and well upgrades, like you have arbitoriums for farms. You can make nuclear reactors, cities that make energy from trace. Civilian cities, existing simply to consume food and pay taxes, for flavour or special objective reasons. Specialized factories, for production of tanks, ships and planes separately. Transmutation colliders, that change trace into metal, or vice versa, for an energy cost.