HDIAndrew / EFS

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Moddable stack-buffing-units #121

Open EvilMurlock opened 1 year ago

EvilMurlock commented 1 year ago


It would be nice, if it was possible to mod units to give buffs to a stack, like relics, officers and nobles do. Wheatear a unit gives a buff could be tied to research like it is for relics, or simply be always active as it is with officers. The buffs could be anything from stat boosts to upkeep reduction to sect conversion resistance. It would also be nice if they could debuff enemy stacks in combat, by increasing route chance for example, or decreasing stats.

If possible it would also be nice if they could give planetary/galaxy wide buffs (for special mod units), and only be able to buff themselves (upgraded throu research)

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Why is it good for the game?:

You could make a lot of interesting units with this, terror troops to route enemies, a special mind control unit that has a weak but accurate attack and gives 100% route chance to the enemy, so you can capture enemy troops without damaging them. This could also be used to upgrade existing units with tech, if the buff only applied to the unit itself, increasing your military power without expending resources, for the trade off that you wont get the advanced units later. This would add a nice dimension to the game.