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Ruins do not give reward past first turn if Rebels set to produce units #128

Closed YeOldeEBM closed 1 year ago

YeOldeEBM commented 1 year ago


Setting DoesPlayerProduce to 1 for Rebels in PlayerTable.dat leads to Ruins and Monasteries not giving any rewards for clearing them past the first turn. On turn 2 and beyond they simply clear without giving anything once the defenders are eliminated.

Expected behavior:

Ruins give rewards regardless of Rebels building units.

Actual behavior:

Ruins won't give rewards past the first turn if Rebels can build units. If you save the game, disable their ability to build units and reload the game, Ruins still won't give any reward. Seems Ruins are somehow altered during the first Rebel turn to stop the reward functionality.

Game version:


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start the game as Hawkwood using the galaxy below
  2. Clear any of the ruins on the first turn to get the reward, then end turn
  3. Clear another ruin on the second turn to find it gives no reward

Additional information:

Modified galaxy that puts units outside three ruins on Delphi to speed testing:


Matt-Caspermeyer commented 1 year ago

I think I may know what's going on here - there is a lot of data that is "UNIONed" in the data structures and now that we're doing something that the original designers never anticipated there is a clash of this data as two different game areas are overwriting the data for their purposes.

I'll look into this shortly to see if my suspicion is correct...

Matt-Caspermeyer commented 1 year ago

I have an update on this issue.

As I suspected, it was the sharing of data that caused the problem. This issue has been fixed and is currently undergoing our testing, review, approval, and merging process. Once this has happened, we hope to get this fix into the next available V1.51 beta.