HDIAndrew / EFS

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Engineers to construct specific cities only #129

Open EvilMurlock opened 1 year ago

EvilMurlock commented 1 year ago


It would be great if we were able to mod specific engineering units to be able to only build specific types of cities, instead of all engineers being able to build any city. AI should also be changed to be able to understand what engineer it needs to build for what city.

Commit hash:


Why is it good for the game?:

You could have different types of engineers made for different tasks. A cheap engineer for mine/well/farm construction. A medium price engineer for chems/electronics/cerasteel. And an expensive engineer for monopols/singularities/wetware.

It would make it easier to balance the game, with late game resource producing cities costing way more to build than a farm.

It would be great to have this with the https://github.com/HDIAndrew/EFS/issues/107 "More Structures" sugestion. You could have factional cities, where engineers from those cities could only produce cities belonging to the in lore faction. This would greatly expand modding opportunities.