HDIAndrew / EFS

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The game won't register the second click to move ships to other planet. #155

Closed SilentAgony-Aria closed 1 year ago

SilentAgony-Aria commented 1 year ago


At the galaxy view? Selecting a unit for example a frigate and giving it a movement order to go at other planet the path will be colored in green but the second click to send the ship to the planet won't work.

Expected behavior: The ship to move to the destination.

Actual behavior: The second click to send the ship isn't working.

Game version: 1.5

Steps to reproduce:

Additional information:

floralpond commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the issue report! If you could help me clarify the meaning a little bit that would be great.

I'm guessing what you're meaning is that if you double click (meaning two clicks in rapid succession), then your frigate won't move, but the path is highlighted. But if you single click twice (click once, pause for a couple seconds, then click again), then your frigate WILL move along the green path.

Is this what you are meaning? Or are you saying that you can't get your ships to move at all?

SilentAgony-Aria commented 1 year ago

I cannot move it at all.

floralpond commented 1 year ago

Wow ok that’s bad. I haven’t seen that one before. I have so many questions! Hopefully we can get this figured out. Is this in the middle of a game you’ve been playing a while, or is this your first time starting? When you're in a planet view, can you move units like tanks and militia around just fine?

if it’s in the middle of a game, could you please post your save file?

if it’s your first time starting, could you post more information about your setup, such as computer hardware and windows version?

Donczirr commented 1 year ago

I saw this issue in 1.4 and it also continued in 1.5 for me as well.

The only way to get this working is to use dgvoodoo or dgvoodoo2 DLLs in the root of the EFS game folder.

With 1.5 I also have to reboot before playing - especially since I play other old games like Fallout 2, Arcanum and BOTF which uses dxwind to work on modern systems.

I think it may relate to directx 9.0c and / or lack of support for later renderers ....

It would be good to add an Open GL rendering option for those with older systems / laptops as that has worked for other older games like Shadowrun Dragonfall.

floralpond commented 1 year ago

Hi @Donczirr, thanks for adding some info!

Could you please provide more info about your hardware and software configuration? I saw on your forum post on GOG that you might be running windows 8.1?

Actually if you could just post your dxdiag.txt that would be perfect. Just open a run window and type “dxdiag”. Then on the bottom right, click “save all information…“. This will save it as a .txt file which you can post here.

We really appreciate when people take the time to report issues with their configuration, because with PCs there are basically an infinite number of configurations and lots of issues with compatibility in general, but if we can’t replicate the issue on our end then we will not be able to fix it.

Donczirr commented 1 year ago

Hey Floral - PSA


My rig is a bit old but I can run games such as Endless Space 2 and Galactic Civilizations III without an issue.

floralpond commented 1 year ago

Thanks, we will try to find a PC with similar software and see if we can replicate the issue. Windows 8.1 and Directx 11 seem to be the "unusual" ones (steam hardware and software survey says ~4% of systems use Directx 11 vs ~90% using Directx12, and only 0.39% use Windows 8.1 vs 63% for windows 10 and 30% for windows 11), so we'll start there. Hopefully we can figure this out!

Donczirr commented 1 year ago

Thanks Floral. I think quite a few of us are Good Old Gamers using the the GOG version. It's an odd situation since the planet side movement is fine. It's just the galaxy map that has the issue.

Donczirr commented 1 year ago

One other additional and interesting note:

After a reboot - where typically the historical space map will work, I noticed that the big Lost Worlds map has the clunky mouse movement and failure to click / move ships right from the start.

Changing over (in the same session) to the smaller Dark Ages or Historical maps works fine.

craggybackhand commented 1 year ago

I have this exact same issue running with Wine/Proton on Linux (Steam Deck). It's a little worse here than stated in the previous comment, because I have a lot of difficulty getting anything to move on the historical game starmap (while everything still works more or less fine in planet view).

I've managed to fix issues like this in the past with other games from the era by replacing dlls with the dgvoodoo versions as mentioned above. Here I'm only seeing ddraw.dll to replace, and changing it out doesn't fix the issue. I am certainly aware that adding Linux with Proton/Wine on top of the pile is complicating the issue massively, but I figured I'd let you know that this is also an issue with Proton/Wine if you start targeting the Steam Deck at some point.

Donczirr commented 1 year ago

Very interesting Joel - that the problem extends across OS platforms.

I actually succeeded in "breaking" the galaxy map today.

After my successful morning reboot / play session - I loaded up Chrome, Steam, e-mail etc and each time when I went back to EFS it was still fine.

Then - I loaded up a more "modern" game - Master of Orion 2016 - then exited and went back to EFS and sure enough the galaxy was non-functional.

craggybackhand commented 1 year ago

I kept tinkering a bit and I have sort of fixed it by running WINEDLLOVERRIDE commands for four dgvoodoo dlls and putting all of those in the game root. I'm not sure which one it actually uses, so I went with all four, haha.

It plays pretty smooth now, maybe even at heightened speed in the Starmap, because I'm now getting reported framerates in the 400s and can move my ships and mouse cursor normally.

Donczirr commented 1 year ago

I got my hands on a Win10 laptop and did a check on the big LostWorlds map.

The double click failure and clunky mouse movement was observed there too. Dark ages and historical are fine.

Could this be a video memory issue? Seems odd for a 25 year old game to tax the resources of any system from the last 5 years. But that seems to be the indication atm ....

floralpond commented 1 year ago

I got my hands on a Win10 laptop and did a check on the big LostWorlds map.

The double click failure and clunky mouse movement was observed there too. Dark ages and historical are fine.

Could this be a video memory issue? Seems odd for a 25 year old game to tax the resources of any system from the last 5 years. But that seems to be the indication atm ....

Could you zip up and post your entire EFS folder? That could get big because of the video and sound files, so you can exclude video and sound files. I’d like to try out exactly what your setup is, i’m wondering if something got messed up somewhere in the middle or something

Donczirr commented 1 year ago

Maybe not needed.

So far - the 1.51 patch seems to have cured this.

I have multiple instances of EFS now and only let my GOG default path install update to 1.51.

As of now, even loading up the big Emperor Wars mod, the mouse movement and jumps from ships are smooth. So - good job on that - thanks.

One Ask for future patches though : Please make Direct X install / update optional.

When I first did the install of 1.51, it ran the Direct X installer which caused me all kinds of issues with other Old Games such as Birth of the Federation and Alpha Centauri.

I had to back out the changes with a System Restore and then run again killing the Direct X install before it did its dirty work.

HDIAndrew commented 1 year ago

Great feedback, thanks