HDIAndrew / EFS

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Update unit name, build description and technology #162

Open aodendaal opened 1 year ago

aodendaal commented 1 year ago


Please can you resolve the inconsistencies with some of the units names, build descriptions and technologies; and use the full word where there is character space?

For example, the Hvy Tank Killer built in the factory has the unit name Direwolf (it's nickname in the data files) in the stack view, and is unlocked by researching Direwolf Heavy ATG. The Hover Anti Air in the factory is called Peregrine in the stack view and unlocked by researching Peregrine Hover AKAK. A final example is the Meson Starbase called SB II but is researched with Starbase Mk M and in the archives is called Starbase MkII.

Then you have the differently spelt SP Anti Air and Anti-Aircraft units compared to AKAK.

There are units with unclear names (at least to a new player) like SSDD for Destroyer and NTV for Naval Transport.

I've created an example of a rework you're welcome to use.

Commit hash:

Version 1.51

Why is it good for the game?:

It will make the game more accessible, especially for new players; and more polished.

Matt-Caspermeyer commented 1 year ago

I'll pose this to @HDIAndrew for what to do here.

Some of the names are proper abbreviations used in the military and I'm assuming that that's why the original developers chose these names.

Here's some examples:

  1. Anti-Tank Gun = ATG
  2. Destroyer = SSDD is the standard military "call sign" for a naval destroyer

Note that the abbreviation name is limited to 16 characters so perhaps for units with full names (limited to 31 characters) that are shorter than 16 we can have them use the same names? We'd have to check to ensure that there are no graphic clashes in the unit dialog screen and elsewhere...