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Noncombat Relics (Spot, Camo, MP, etc) only work on their origin planet #175

Closed floralpond closed 5 months ago

floralpond commented 10 months ago


Non combat relics - Some relics (I think many relics, although in some cases it's hard to check) only work on their original planet. If you take the relic to another planet, it stops working, but then take it back to its original planet, it will start working again. This applies to noncombat relics such as Spot, Camo, move points, etc when used on other planets.

Combat relics Combat relics work on other planets (such as Strength, Defense, Accuracy, etc) in that combat relics do show their bonuses in the combat report screen in combat on other worlds and their combat bonus is effective, but they DO NOT show their bonuses in the unit detail screen when on other worlds, even though they do when on their origin world.

Expected behavior: As long as you have theurgy researched, relics should work everywhere in the galaxy.

Actual behavior: If you have a relic on your planet, and you research theurgy, then the relics effects are immediate. For example, your units will have a greater spot range if you have the spotting relic. But if you move the relic to another planet, your spot bonus will be lost in your unit detail screen, and you no longer have the greater spotting range on the map.

Game version:

1.51 vanilla

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Load the attached save file RELIC_TESTspotting.SAV: RELIC_TESTspotting.zip
  2. Click into Kish and you'll see a stack with the spotting relic and a tank (these are just north of a militia). All of the relics are present nearby, but they are sentried for convenience of demonstration (you can check them as well though).
  3. do hditech 64 to get theurgy researched
  4. Right click into the spotting relic stack and you'll see the higher spot of the tank. Move him one hex to the north and you'll see the effects of greater spotting range.
  5. Land the assault lander and pick up the relic and the tank and fly them to another planet (like Malignatus)
  6. You will notice in the unit detail screen you have immediately lost the higher spot bonus
  7. End turn
  8. Next turn you can land the assault lander somewhere and observe that you do not have the higher spot bonus
  9. Have the assault lander take off and go back to Kish and you'll see that you've regained the higher spot bonus

Additional information:
