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Promised ministries do not expire, and can be used to grant multiple ministries to one house when it would otherwise be prevented #181

Closed solr00t closed 4 months ago

solr00t commented 6 months ago


Ministry promises that are accepted will remain in force across multiple regent elections. Even if a house that promised ministries loses the regency, old promises made will still be in force next time that house is elected regent. Ministry promises can allow a house to assign multiple ministries to another house when it would otherwise be impossible.

Expected behavior:

Actual behavior:

Here's how this happened in my game. I promised Stigmata to Hazat in election #​1, and subsequently was elected regent. After winning the next regent election #​2, I thought that I would be free to assign Stigmata to another house, but when I tried to do this, I received a message "You promised that office already!". In regent election #​3, I let another house become regent hoping it would invalidate the promise from election #​1. Then, prior to regent election #​4, I promised Imperial Fleet to Hazat, which they accepted. After winning regent election #​4, when assigning ministries, I was forced to assign both Stigmata and Imperial Fleet to Hazat.

Game version:


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Promise a ministry to another noble house that they will accept. In my case, Stigmata to Hazat.
  2. Become elected regent.
  3. Assign ministries, fulfilling your promise.
  4. End turns until the next regency election, then become elected regent again.
  5. Go to assign offices and attempt to assign the promised ministry to a different house. The original promise is still binding.

If you want to assign two ministries to one house, then prior to step 4 above, you can promise another ministry to the same house prior to the second round of regent elections. Upon the second successful election, both ministry promises will be binding.

Additional information:

I'm really not sure what the intended behavior is for any of the above, but my assumption was that promised ministries are only binding for one election cycle. I attached a save file from when I won the regency the second time. In this game, Li Halan has enough scepters that you can easily win the regency, or give the regency to another house. Hazat is currently promised Stigmata. You can experiment with the logic around ministry promises by making no strings attached ministry promises to Hazat or other houses. prebreak.zip

floralpond commented 5 months ago

Thank you for the excellent bug report. This is kind of a known issue, but just has not been written up yet in the public report database.