HDIAndrew / EFS

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Current Remaining Issues / Bugs List for V1.6 or Later #78

Open Matt-Caspermeyer opened 1 year ago

Matt-Caspermeyer commented 1 year ago

Please find attached the original EFS Bugs and Problems document created by Richard Wein back in March 6th, 2000 and I've updated it (to the best of my knowledge) with what we did in V1.5:

EFS Bugs and Problems based on Richard Wein's March 6, 2000 Document & Updated for V1.5.docx

Also find attached the Play Testing Checklist that has a lot of the new game algorithms and is referenced by the above document for computing the Plague bonuses (note that the last time this was updated was on May 22, 2022 so it doesn't have anything new since then):

Play Testing CheckList.xlsx

Please review this document and note what has been fixed and what is still on the list to fix - most of this is for V1.6 or beyond.

You can review the spreadsheet to learn about various algorithms and other changes in V1.5 that are not necessarily included in the above document.

All the issues in the above document are in the private EFS development branch and are still on our radar to fix in the future.

Note that there are quite a few additional issues that we're still trying to fix, both in this public EFS repository as well as the private development one.