HDIAndrew / EFS

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Game crashes when loading a custom galaxy from a folder other than GAL #85

Closed floralpond closed 1 year ago

floralpond commented 1 year ago


When starting a new game and loading a custom galaxy, if the target custom galaxy is in a different folder than the GAL folder, then the game gives an error message "Cannot find the file gal\xxxxx.GAL!", and then crashes.

Important note 1: if the custom galaxy is both in the GAL folder and also a different folder, then it will not crash. (presumably in this case it actually loads the galaxy in the GAL folder rather than the one selected in a different folder, but I didn't test that far)

Important note 2: if the .GAL file is in MODS/MYMOD/GAL, then it will load up just fine, so the issue is only that the game crashes when the .GAL file is in a folder other than GAL

Expected behavior: When clicking "Load Custom" to load a custom galaxy, we get a dialog box that allows you to navigate directories, so the assumption is that it's OK to navigate to a different folder to load a galaxy and that it will successfully load.

Actual behavior: When loading a galaxy that's in a different folder than GAL, the game will crash.

Game version: 1.5

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In the GAL folder, create a new folder called "new folder".
  2. Move the Dark Ages galaxy to the New Folder.
  3. Open EFS and try to start a new game using "load custom" and select the Dark Ages galaxy in the New Folder
  4. Crash

Additional information:

EFS crash on galaxy in different folder

Matt-Caspermeyer commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting this one.

It's my hope to start working on this in the near future for V1.51.

I'll post back here if I have any updates...

Matt-Caspermeyer commented 1 year ago

I have an update to this issue.

This has been fixed and will be provided in the V1.51 update.

Note that this issue also extends to the Saving / Loading of SEN & TER files.