I had already consulted the documentation before asking. Why did you close the request without letting me respond? In the documentation, I cannot find the appropriate field for submitting a link or an image, or perhaps I am not familiar with certain concepts. If the documentation is that clear, I kindly ask you to suggest the appropriate field for this purpose. How can I use the paid version if I don't understand some aspects first? I don't want to be presumptuous, but I am neither the contributor nor the author of the project. I can only ask you for assistance
Thank you
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Dear Roardom
I had already consulted the documentation before asking. Why did you close the request without letting me respond? In the documentation, I cannot find the appropriate field for submitting a link or an image, or perhaps I am not familiar with certain concepts. If the documentation is that clear, I kindly ask you to suggest the appropriate field for this purpose. How can I use the paid version if I don't understand some aspects first? I don't want to be presumptuous, but I am neither the contributor nor the author of the project. I can only ask you for assistance
Thank you
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