[x] Moving walkway (like schiphol), one tile, each direction
[ ] Some sort of half wall, meant to be moved by a device like so: ====[]= to =[]==== (sorry if this is unclear lol)
[x] Bridge over open space, can be animated in code for opening/closing but if you have time would be nice to have a nothing -> first tile animation, then move by code the rest of the way
[x] Ship controls (the end of the level), big console on/off
[x] Speed upgrade collectible
[ ] Fences? some sort of half wall with some seethrough capability
[ ] Computer screens, disabled and lorem ipsum-esque stuff on it
[ ] Random debris for decorating
[ ] Wall with window for end of level?
Don't worry about getting all of this if it's too much, they're sorted top to bottom by important to not.
Don't worry about getting all of this if it's too much, they're sorted top to bottom by important to not.