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Lucario Aerial Up B Jump Cancel Aerial End Lag on Landing #16

Open NotSoAsian opened 1 year ago

NotSoAsian commented 1 year ago

When you do an aerial up B with lucario and jump cancel and aerial, upon landing you still get the landing lag from Up B as if you did Up B and went into special fall. Very easy to replicate.

Detronlegacy commented 1 year ago

Interested to hear from devs as to whether this is intentional. Seems like it could be similar to Bayo's special landing lag, could totally see it being intentional

NotSoAsian commented 1 year ago

Interested to hear from devs as to whether this is intentional. Seems like it could be similar to Bayo's special landing lag, could totally see it being intentional

It seems unintentional because is queues up to the next time you are not doing any animations. Like you can start charging an aura sphere after the aerial post up B and land with it, start runninh around and be fine, but the next time you jump and land you get the end lag of up B.