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Converted functions that are just called by other functions and not by the app from global to local #333

Closed ale5000-git closed 1 month ago

ale5000-git commented 1 month ago

@HDoujinDownloader Hi, I have started from the most complicate thing: Converting functions that are just called by other functions and not by the app from global to local

When a function is local it must be defined before the function that use it, so since usually they aren't used by Register but they are used by the others I have moved all local functions between Register and GetInfo. Only in 2 scripts I had to move a single function before Register (because it is used by it).

HDoujinDownloader commented 1 month ago

110 files changed, wew. Thank you for your valiant efforts. 👏

ale5000-git commented 1 month ago

This was the most big change, fortunately all others will be much smaller :-)