HEADS-project / training

Training material to get started with the HEADS technologies
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How to maniplate ThingML models #109

Closed Georgia88 closed 8 years ago

Georgia88 commented 8 years ago

I was reading an article on https://github.com/HEADS-project/training/issues/95 and found something interesting.

However, when I wanted to follow the instruction you guys provided, the website https://github.com/HEADS-project/training/tree/master/1.ThingML_Basics/7.%20ReadThingMLModel doesn't work any more...Could any of you send me a new site on how to do that?

Any help or suggestion will be appreciated.


brice-morin commented 8 years ago


Georgia88 commented 8 years ago

But is there any document on the API you guys provided? For example, how can extract every field in ThingML? Like transition, event...

brice-morin commented 8 years ago

You can browse ThingML model in the same way you can browse any EMF-based models. I recommend you to first get use to the Eclipse Modeling Framework. Note that we also provide a set of helpers to extract fields more easily.