HEADS-project / training

Training material to get started with the HEADS technologies
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Kevoree JS needs .NET framework 2.0 SDK on Windows #13

Closed brice-morin closed 9 years ago

brice-morin commented 9 years ago

I guess this is needed to recompile the WS-group (or one of its deps). Requirements should be updated in the README.

$ grunt kevoree
Running "kevoree" task
>> Platform node name: node0
>> Bootstrap script: kevs\main.kevs
>> Starting runtime: v5.1.1
09:53:47  INFO   KevoreeCore      Platform node name: node0
09:53:48  ALL    KevoreeLogger    Set logLevel= debug
09:53:48  INFO   KevoreeCore      node0 : JavascriptNode/3.0.4 successfully started
Running "kevoree_genmodel:main" (kevoree_genmodel) task
Package:         my.package
TypeDefinition:  HelloWorld
Version:         0.1.0
DeployUnit:      kevoree-comp-helloworld

Model generation done
Model 'kevlib.json' saved at kevlib.json

Done, without errors.
kevoree-comp-helloworld@0.1.0 .deploy_units\node0\node_modules\kevoree-comp-helloworld
└── kevoree-entities@7.0.1 (pseudoclass@1.0.2, kevoree-commons@2.1.0, kevoree-library@5.0.4, kevoree-kevscript@2.1.4)
09:53:58  DEBUG  AddDeployUnit    /packages[my]/packages[package]/deployUnits[hashcode=,name=kevoree-comp-helloworld,ver
c:\Users\bmori\dev\heads\tmp\kevTuto\.deploy_units\node0\node_modules\kevoree-group-ws\node_modules\ws>node "c:\Users\bm
ules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" rebuild
Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "/m" switch.
MSBUILD : error MSB3428: Could not load the Visual C++ component "VCBuild.exe". To fix this, 1) install the .NET Framew
ork 2.0 SDK, 2) install Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or 3) add the location of the component to the system path if it i
s installed elsewhere.  [c:\Users\bmori\dev\heads\tmp\kevTuto\.deploy_units\node0\node_modules\kevoree-group-ws\node_mo
MSBUILD : error MSB3428: Could not load the Visual C++ component "VCBuild.exe". To fix this, 1) install the .NET Framew
ork 2.0 SDK, 2) install Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or 3) add the location of the component to the system path if it i
s installed elsewhere.  [c:\Users\bmori\dev\heads\tmp\kevTuto\.deploy_units\node0\node_modules\kevoree-group-ws\node_mo
kevoree-group-ws@5.2.1 .deploy_units\node0\node_modules\kevoree-group-ws
├── pseudoclass@1.0.2
├── smart-socket@0.2.1 (async@0.9.0)
├── kevoree-library@5.0.4 (kevoree-kotlin@1.0.2)
├── kevoree-entities@7.0.1 (kevoree-commons@2.1.0, kevoree-kevscript@2.1.4)
└── ws@0.4.32 (tinycolor@0.0.1, options@0.0.6, commander@2.1.0, nan@1.0.0)
09:54:07  DEBUG  AddDeployUnit    /packages[org]/packages[kevoree]/packages[library]/deployUnits[hashcode=,name=kevoree-
09:54:07  DEBUG  AddInstance      myComp /packages[my]/packages[package]/typeDefinitions[name=HelloWorld,version=0.1.0]
09:54:07  DEBUG  AddInstance      sync /packages[org]/packages[kevoree]/packages[library]/typeDefinitions[name=WSGroup,v
09:54:07  DEBUG  UpdateDictiona.  node0.logLevel = DEBUG
09:54:07  ALL    KevoreeLogger    Set logLevel= debug
09:54:07  DEBUG  UpdateDictiona.  sync.port/node0 = 9000
09:54:07  DEBUG  UpdateInstance   node0
09:54:07  DEBUG  HelloWorld       START
09:54:07  DEBUG  StartInstance    /nodes[node0]/components[myComp]
09:54:07  INFO   WSGroup          "sync" listen on 9000
09:54:07  DEBUG  StartInstance    /groups[sync]
09:54:07  DEBUG  KevoreeCore      Model deployed successfully: 9 adaptations (19828ms)
>> Bootstrap model deployed successfully