HENNGE / aiodynamo

Asynchronous, fast, pythonic DynamoDB Client
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Faster release cycle #105

Open jarikujansuu opened 2 years ago

jarikujansuu commented 2 years ago

Not sure if this is correct channel for this kind of request.

But I wish there was faster release cycle, currently of course interested in having released version which would include https://github.com/HENNGE/aiodynamo/pull/101. Last release has been October 7th and after that has been 2 functional improvement PRs, and that consistent read support was merged 23 days ago.

I am now using git dependency but as there are also no tags have to rely on random rev value which is not obviously clear what we are using.

dimaqq commented 2 years ago

@ojii WDYT about giving Jari pypi privileges?

tedchou12 commented 2 years ago

Why not setup deploy flow to pypi in github actions when merging to master?

ojii commented 2 years ago

I'd prefer automated releases as ted suggests, but I've never set that up so I'm not sure what the current state of the art is. if someone knows, please let me know.

tedchou12 commented 2 years ago

@ojii It seems like there is no setup.py file in the repo. I can set it up. Could you help me with the following?

  1. Put a pypi api token under the secrets of this repo.

I can do the rest.

dimaqq commented 2 years ago

We use poetry

dimaqq commented 2 years ago

Manually I'd do poetry build and then poetry publish … I can’t recall if the latter asks for credentials or need them in advance.

tedchou12 commented 2 years ago

Just briefly reading looking at: https://python-poetry.org/docs/repositories/

Poetry authenticates with pypi via poetry config ..., so you probably have preconfigured it before at some point?

I think this the steps in this article makes sense: https://dev.to/iancleary/test-and-publish-a-python-package-to-pypi-using-poetry-and-github-actions-186a

In that case, to upload to pypi still needs a pypi token.

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ojii commented 2 years ago

Manually I'd do poetry build and then poetry publish

huh I still use twine upload am I doing things wrong?

ojii commented 2 years ago

@jarikujansuu while we're trying to figure out how to automate/improve this, I've released 21.11.

tedchou12 commented 2 years ago

Dima is right, poetry doesn't require twine upload. But pypi credentials are still needed.

I tried it a few times with pypi-test, seems to be working fine. https://github.com/HENNGE/aiodynamo/pull/106