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add AWS_PROFILE env var to credentials chain #146

Closed BTripp1986 closed 1 year ago

BTripp1986 commented 1 year ago

Adds support for using AWS_PROFILE env var in the credentials chain.
This behavior is more in line with the behavior expected by users coming from boto3 or aiobotocore. Added a unit test to cover this feature.

Relates to: Issue #139

dimaqq commented 1 year ago

cc @ojii the expert

ojii commented 1 year ago

@BTripp1986 thank you for this pull request. the change looks good, but doesn't pass mypy checks. If you run poetry run mypy on your machine the error should be pointed out and trivially fixable.

It looks like we've had GitHub Actions misconfigured forever in this repo which is why checks don't run on external pull requests. Could you please rebase/merge your branch with the latest change on master? That should hopefully run the CI checks on this PR.

BTripp1986 commented 1 year ago

@ojii Sure thing, I should be able to take care of that at some point today or tomorrow as a worst case.

re: Github Actions - I'm a DevOps Engineer so I'm pretty fluent in automation. I've never touched Github actions(I'm a Gitlab user) but I would like to get familiar with them and this seems like a good place to start. If someone could create an issue giving an overview of what's broken I can take a crack at it this weekend most likely.

Not sure if #105 is related. I saw a closed MR(#106 ) related to that issue and I don't want to step on anyone's toes. Let me know if you would like my contribution.

ojii commented 1 year ago

If someone could create an issue giving an overview of what's broken I can take a crack at it this weekend most likely.

there shouldn't be anything broken at the moment. when I did the transition from CircleCI to Github Actions I just misconfigured it to only run CI on pushes to this repo, but not external pull requests (which are pushes to another repo). 6f4011091827f53e9302c28b8b8ad16f128f507d should resolve that.

Not sure if #105 is related. I saw a closed MR(#106 ) related to that issue and I don't want to step on anyone's toes. Let me know if you would like my contribution.

that's more about automating releases which would be nice, #106 jumped the gun a bit there. If you want to try to get release automation to work with Github Actions, be my guest.

BTripp1986 commented 1 year ago

MyPy error fixed and branch has been rebased

ojii commented 1 year ago

@BTripp1986 thanks for the mypy fixes, looks like there's just one small isort issue left to fix. I recommend you set up pre-commit locally so that the static checks run before you commit. Once that's resolved I'll merge this and make a release.

BTripp1986 commented 1 year ago

isort issue has been fixed. Thanks for walking me through this.

ojii commented 1 year ago

Thanks again @BTripp1986, this has been released as 22.12