HENNGE / arsenic

Async WebDriver implementation for asyncio and asyncio-compatible frameworks
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Add get_title #142

Open amckenzie132 opened 2 years ago

amckenzie132 commented 2 years ago

141 implements get_title

konstunn commented 2 years ago

Why is it not merged?

dimaqq commented 2 years ago

That’s a good question… @ojii ?

(I think I don’t have permission to merge in this repo, not that I’m necessarily following it, as I’ve recently switched jobs)

alexh-sauce commented 1 year ago

@ojii can this get merged?

douglasdcm commented 1 year ago

Hi, is this repository accepting new MRs? I noticed this is open since 2021. I'd like to contribute, but just if it alive.

ojii commented 1 year ago

Hi, is this repository accepting new MRs? I noticed this is open since 2021. I'd like to contribute, but just if it alive.

Basically there's a few issues with this repo which make me reluctant to accept too many PRs:

  1. When we made this project, we needed it to solve a very specific use case: Running automated tests in an asyncio context with IE11 on a remote webdriver. This is still our main use-case and the library as it is solves this use case.
  2. Testing is very hard and unreliable. This is probably the main reason I am reluctant to just merge stuff, I just don't trust our test suite/CI setup.
  3. Some early API design decisions were a mistake, making changes harder.

So it's hard to confidently make changes, and the library does what it needs to do for us, as a result I invest little to no time to maintain this.

If someone wants to fully take over maintenance of this project, let's have a chat. There's also a fork button on github and the project is licensed very liberally...

douglasdcm commented 1 year ago

Hi @ojii thanks a lot for the quick answer. I got what you said. No worries. My use case for an asynchronous WebDriver is not so hard. I think I can build a small library from my side.

douglasdcm commented 1 year ago

Hi, @ojii I created a simple library to run synchronous and asynchronous requests to WebDrivers. If you have time, I'd like your opinion about. https://pypi.org/project/caqui/ Thank you in advance!