HENNGE / arsenic

Async WebDriver implementation for asyncio and asyncio-compatible frameworks
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BrowserStack build-status badge in README is broken #72

Open stephendonner opened 4 years ago

stephendonner commented 4 years ago

The BrowserStack build-status badge is broken, with link https://automate.browserstack.com/public-build/MjJhTXF4TmFlMFc4b1NpMzVBODNpVXNXeE9yWHlqZFNVR1o4N0l5QVhmMD0tLU15R1VoYU1VbGJrM0FxZTFHSjhaWGc9PQ==--836b0ffba754cc76cb9671875a9bd7be134acb98?redirect=true found in https://github.com/HDE/arsenic/blob/c63d4c313076086e60cc1cd01867f03a964a500c/README.md

dimaqq commented 4 years ago

Looks like something has changed in BrowserStack... @ojii might be able to dig into this...

abhi291096 commented 4 years ago

I see that your Badge Status is '404' which could be due to the invalid badge key. Check this link for more details: https://www.browserstack.com/automate/status-badges

I would recommend you to generate the new Badge Key using the following REST API command:

curl -u "browserstack_username:browserstack_key" https://api.browserstack.com/automate/projects/<project-id>/badge_key

Once done, update your GitHub badge with the newly generated key.

dimaqq commented 3 years ago

Still broken... @ojii maybe the easiest is to remove the badge?