HEP-FCC / heppy

[deprecated] A python analysis framework for high energy physics
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Pdebugtest: Adding tests to heppy which check the papas Physics outputs have not changed #59

Closed alicerobson closed 7 years ago

alicerobson commented 7 years ago

There are two new tests one for CMS one for CLIC. The additional data files needed (the expected outputs and the comparison script) are stored in test/data. If physics processes are changed or if detector parameters are changed these tests will fail and the files against which the checks are made will need to be updated.

I changed the way pdebug starts up slightly, and added pdebug to two configuration files but in such a way so that no pdebug output is made. The configuration can then be edited by the tow new tests to set the pdebug filename and so turn on the physics pdebug outputs.

Note: I removed this line logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL), as otherwise I got no pdebug output. Need to discuss with Colin what this line does and if it is OK to remove.

fcc-bot commented 7 years ago

All tests succeeded.