Parameter of daughter tasks e.g. configfile creation when calling ProdNtuple are not overwritten correctly when calling --DAUGHTER-PARAMETER e.g. its not possible to set workflow independently for each task: "law run ProdTallinnNTuples --version v1 --workflow slurm --CreateTallinnNtupleConfigs-workflow local " does not work :/ no idea why but the configfile creation is executed as a slurm job
Parameter of daughter tasks e.g. configfile creation when calling ProdNtuple are not overwritten correctly when calling --DAUGHTER-PARAMETER e.g. its not possible to set workflow independently for each task: "law run ProdTallinnNTuples --version v1 --workflow slurm --CreateTallinnNtupleConfigs-workflow local " does not work :/ no idea why but the configfile creation is executed as a slurm job