Closed jpata closed 11 months ago
The design luminosity at the FCC-ee is 7 x 10^34 cm^-2 s^-1 at a center-of-mass energy of 240 GeV for ZH and is ~1 x 10^34 cm^-2 s^-1 at a center-of-mass energy of ~360 GeV for ttbar production (page 379 of [1]).
The average bunch spacing is 994 ns at the ZH and ~3000 ns at the ttbar energy (page 283 of [1]).
The luminosity per bunch crossing at the FCC-ee is hence 7 x 10^28 cm^-2 at the ZH and 3 x 10^28 cm^-2 at the ttbar energy. The number of pileup events per bunch crossing is the product of these luminosities and the gg->hadronic cross section (which we get by running the card for the gg->hadronic production process in Pythia).
The gg->had background is mentioned on page 2 of the CLIC TDR [1]. The TDR mentions 3.2 gg->had events per bunch crossing at 3 TeV, but also mentions that one needs to sum over all bunch crossings (312) that occur within the same bunch train.
Page 4 of the CLIC TDR then mentions that the gg->had background that occurs in other bunch crossings can be reduced by about a factor 190 by using a combination of timing information, which is provided by the calorimeters as well as tracking detectors, and pT cuts.
For reference: The paper "Updated baseline for a staged compact linear collider" [2] has useful references in on the gg->had and also on the beamstrahlung background. The beamstrahlung background is due to photons , which are radiated off by the electron and positron beams when the beams pass the magnets that reduce the transverse beams size around the collision point. These photons then create e+ e- pairs that typically have low pT and are predominantly produced in the forward direction (at either theta=0 or 180 degrees).
[1] [2]
So the Pythia (and an alternative SLAC generator) cross-section of the gg->had process is available here [1], and comes to about ~550 nb.
A rough calculation for the number of gg->had events per bx gives 3 x 10^28 cm^-2 * 550 nb -> 0.0165 evs/bx
Being conservative, it would be 0.02 evs/bx * 312 bx/train -> ~6 gg->had events per signal.
What confuses me is that no CLIC study paper actually reports the specific number of overlay events used, as far as I've seen. But I think we could just ask e.g. the authors of [2] for more details on their configuration.
[1] [2]
Starting with the CLIC CDR, we have the following beam-induced backgrounds: of which, let's focus on gg->hadronic.
According to the CDR section and table 2.1, at 3 TeV, we have 312 bunches per train, and 3.2 events with W_gg>2GeV.
From a CLIC workshop talk, we have about about 0.3 gg->had events at 500 GeV, and again 312 bunches per train.
From the CLIC reco configuration, for 380 GeV, we have 0.0464 or 0.18 overlay events per bunch crossing (
), and 30 bunches in a train (NBunchtrain
).Looking at the Marlin OverlayTiming code (which I don't manage to run), for each bunch in the train, a poisson or int-rounded value from
is chosen to overlay the events.Questions:
) by Δt=0.5s?Simulation code: