The public code for SIMUnet, a NNPDF based tool to perform simultaneous determination of PDFs and EFT Wilson coefficients.
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Added filter cuts to cut high Q data #71

Open FrancescoMerlotti opened 1 month ago

FrancescoMerlotti commented 1 month ago

Added commondatawriter.py from NNPDF to replace the C++ NNPDF.CommonData Export method with the new validphys.coredata.CommonData one, used during vp-setupfit to output the filtered data files.

Added validphys.config.parse_added_filter_rules to parse the added_filter_rules in the vp-setupfit runcard, and updated the validphys.config.produce_rules function.

Added HQQ_MQQ xq2 map using the prescription in https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.06159, where Q = H_T / 4 = m_tt / 4 and x = Q / sqrt(S).