Closed StevenCTimm closed 9 months ago
Interestingly that click on that link gives me 404 code. So new, it does not exist yet?
looks like swagger RESTFul API documentation. Good. At least it is self described.
So is this meant to replace the NERSC NEWT IRIS GraphQL(-ish) API?
The superfacility API will replace all of the NEWT part. I am not sure if it will replace the whole of IRIS or not. They have to do this because NEWT has old-style globus-gatekeeper still under the covers whereas the new superfacility API will use JWT tokens for authentication. (getting rid of the username/password auth which is a big thing).
From: shreyb Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2020 10:29 AM To: HEPCloud/decisionengine_modules Cc: Steven C Timm; Author Subject: Re: [HEPCloud/decisionengine_modules] Prepare code for new NERSC "superfacility" api (#234)
So is this meant to replace the NERSC NEWT IRIS GraphQL(-ish) API?
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I think I can take care of this development without any major hurdles because I am already familiar with how to generate a JWT token out of a secret key and how to make a request with a JWT token to google cloud.
In order to apply my knowledge to NERSC, I will need to have a secret key to start with. Any idea where I can get one? Should I wait until Steve returns from his current vacation which is through Thursday?
Anyway, once I have a secret key in hand, the following will be how I would proceed:
generate a new JWT access token from the secret key
attach this new access token in the header def get_headers( access_token ): headers = {} headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer %s'%access_token
and finally make a request to nersc as follows: as specified in their swagger.json file
Today, I submitted an NERSC application to create a new user account for myself. When this process is completed, I should be able to use my account to create my own JWT token. I will first test my own JWT token at and then I will have to try to find a way to generate JWT tokens. And for that purpose, there should be two optional ways:
Method One
There can be an NERSC URL for token generation (auth URL)
and we should access this auth URL with username and password to have Nersc generate a JWT for us.
Method Two
Or, if NERSC is similar to GCP,
we will be given a secret (just like a secret that is embedded in the secret.json associated with GCP service account)
use this secret to calculate a JWT by ourselves in a python code
Either way, once we have a JWT, we use this JWT to directly access NERSC APIs ( or use this JWT to first access another NERSC auth URL (e.g. in GCP) to generate an access token and use this access token to access NERSC APIs (
From this pieces in,
"/accounting/projects": {
"parameters": [
"name": "Authorization",
"in": "header",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"description": "JWT"
I can derive the following observations:
Once we have a JWT token in hand, we can use it in a similar way to how we access GCP APIs:
def get_headers( access_token ):
headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'
headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer %s'%access_token
return headers
So, this method (get_headers) will return a HTTP header and we will use this HTTP header in a call to requests.request as follows:
def get_zones( access_token, project_name = "hepcloud-fnal" ):
full_url = ""
headers = get_headers( access_token )
requests.request( 'GET', full_url, headers)
I said "similar" but (I believe) there is one big difference between GCP and Nersc API In GCP, we use JWT to access to get an access token and give this access token (now JWT) to
headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer %s'%
But in Nersc, it appears that we give JWT directly to
headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer %s'%
which is also allowed according to this document
Addendum: Service account authorization without OAuth
With some Google APIs, you can make authorized API calls using a signed JWT directly as a bearer token, rather than an OAuth 2.0 access token.
When this is possible, you can avoid having to make a network request to Google's authorization server before making an API call.
This is what I said in today's meeting:
NERSC web page for their NERSC REST API only shows how to access APIs
when we have a JSON Web Token
but it does not say how to acquire or generate a JWT.
Steve opened a ticket in NERSC service now and I asked some technical questions, but no response yet.
They only said we could generate our own JWT in their login portal called Iris,
so, yesterday, I submitted an application for creating a new user account for myself.
will have to wait a week or so.
In the meantime, I reviewed our uses of JWT in google cloud and openstack.
We know how to generate a JSON Web Token based on a secret key from google cloud
or we understand that we can contact their auth URL with username and password to acquire a JWT.
Like I said earlier, once we have a JWT in hand, it's a matter of passing it to NERSC REST APIs
in the Authorization HTTP Request Header.
requests.request(method, url, **kwargs) Constructs and sends a Request.
method – method for the new Request object: GET, OPTIONS, HEAD, POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE.
url – URL for the new Request object.
headers – (optional) Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the Request.
data – (optional) Dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body of the Request.
params – (optional) Dictionary, list of tuples or bytes to send in the query string for the Request.
Examples of using headers
def get_headers( access_token ):
headers = {}
headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'
headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer %s'%access_token
return headers
def get_zone_instances( access_token, zone_name, project_name = "hepcloud-fnal" ):
full_url = ""%(project_name, zone_name)
p_headers = get_headers( access_token )
r = requests.request(method = 'GET', url=full_url, headers=p_headers, data=p_data, params=p_params)
Examples of using params
As an example, if you wanted to pass key1=value1 and key2=value2 to, you would use the following code:
payload = {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}
r = requests.get('', params=payload)
You can see that the URL has been correctly encoded by printing the URL:
NERSC admin began responding to our questions and requests. He also gave us the right documents that we have been looking for (The docs were not public.)
Steve already tried to generate some access token as he already has his nersc account and my account is being processed pending Andrew Norman's approval.
Once my account is created, the NERSC admin will enable my access to the token page. Once this is all done, I will test accessing NERSC api with the appropriate token.
This document describes the exactly same method of generating JWT as we do in GCP:
Step 1: Create two base64-encoded strings (one for head and one for body)
echo -n '{ "alg": "RS256" }' | openssl base64 -A | tr '/+' '_-' | tr -d '=' > head.b64
openssl base64 -in payload.json -A | tr '/+' '_-' | tr -d '=' > body.b64
Step 2: Concatenate these two strings
cat head.b64 <(echo '.') body.b64 | tr -d "\n" > jwt.txt
Step 3: Sign this combined string
openssl dgst -sha256 -sign priv_key.pem jwt.txt | openssl base64 -A | tr '/+' '_-' | tr -d '=' > sig.sha256.b64
Step 4: Finally concatenate the combined string from Step 2 and the signature from Step 3
ASSERTION=`cat jwt.txt <(echo '.') sig.sha256.b64 | tr -d "\n"`
And then send this JWT to their auth URL
Exchange the client assertion for an access token
Now you're ready to exchange the encrypted assertion for a short-lived access token:
curl -s -XPOST
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
-d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_assertion_type=urn%3Aietf%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Aclient-assertion-type%3Ajwt-bearer&client_assertion=$ASSERTION"
This is exactly how I expected..
Forgot to mention they also support this process by using "authlib" python library which I will be using:
from authlib.integrations.requests_client import OAuth2Session
from authlib.oauth2.rfc7523 import PrivateKeyJWT
token_url = ""
client_id = "<your client id>"
private_key = "<your private key>"
client = OAuth2Session(client_id=client_id,
resp = client.fetch_token(token_url, grant_type="client_credentials")
token = resp["access_token"]
My Nersc user account was approved last Friday and I asked the nersc admin who whitelisted Steve in the Iris profile to do the same thing for me so I can also generate a JWT token for my tests.
Until we have a "group" account prepared for our usage, I am testing Nersc API with my own credential:
First, I run the following script with my client credential and private key
$ cat ./
#date -v +120M "+%s"
#update payload.json
openssl base64 -in payload.json -A | tr '/+' '_-' | tr -d '=' > body.b64
cat head.b64 <(echo '.') body.b64 | tr -d "\n" > jwt.txt
openssl dgst -sha256 -sign mynerscpriv.pem jwt.txt | openssl base64 -A | tr '/+' '_-' | tr -d '=' > sig.sha256.b64
ASSERTION=`cat jwt.txt <(echo '.') sig.sha256.b64 | tr -d "\n"`
curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_assertion_type=urn%3Aietf%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Aclient-assertion-type%3Ajwt-bearer&client_assertion=$ASSERTION"
This last step, the curl command, will print a new access token. I can use this access token in the following simple testing script
def get_headers( access_token ):
headers = {}
headers['content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
headers['Authorization'] = access_token
return headers
my_access_token = "..."
my_header = get_headers( my_access_token )
p_url = ''
r = requests.request(method = 'GET', url=p_url, headers=my_header)
returndict = json.loads(r.text)
pprint( returndict )
It seems to work: i.e. I am getting
[{'description': 'Enabling HEP Intensity Frontier Science through HEPCloud',
'hours_given': 25344000000.0,
'hours_used': 0.0,
'hpss_usage': None,
'id': 63322,
'iris_role': None,
'projdir_usage': [{'bytes_given': 1099511627776.0,
'bytes_given_human': '1.00 TB',
'bytes_used': 0.0,
'bytes_used_human': None,
'files_given': 20000000.0,
'files_used': 1.0,
'name': 'dunepro'},
{'bytes_given': 1099511627776.0,
'bytes_given_human': '1.00 TB',
'bytes_used': 0.0,
'bytes_used_human': None,
'files_given': 20000000.0,
'files_used': 1.0,
'name': 'fife'},
{'bytes_given': 18691697672192.0,
'bytes_given_human': '17.00 TB',
'bytes_used': 15015051264.0,
'bytes_used_human': '13.98 GB',
'files_given': 20000000.0,
'files_used': 72935.0,
'name': 'm3249'},
{'bytes_given': 1099511627776.0,
'bytes_given_human': '1.00 TB',
'bytes_used': 0.0,
'bytes_used_human': None,
'files_given': 20000000.0,
'files_used': 1.0,
'name': 'nova'}],
'repo_name': 'm3249'}]
More later..
I will go through our current DE Nersc codes and identify which NEWT-based calls need to be replaced by new APIs and then will start updating the actual codes soon.
Here is summarization of my investigation of the current NERSC codes in de_modules.
Currently NERSC/util/ has 3 methods
get_usage is called only from and get_status and get_queue are called only from
Question: Are we loading anywhere?
[root@hepcsvc03 config.d]# cd /etc/decisionengine/config.d/
[root@hepcsvc03 config.d]# grep NerscJobInfo Nersc.jsonnet
[root@hepcsvc03 config.d]#
Anyway I am summarizing current API URLs for each of get_usage, get_status, and get_queue: get_usage call:
with this data in the body
accounts(username:\"uscms\"){projectId, repoName, repoType, currentAlloc, usedAlloc,
users{uid, name, firstname, lastname, middlename, userAlloc, userAllocPct, usedAlloc}}
{u'data': {u'newt': {u'accounts': [{u'currentAlloc': 253440000000.0,
u'projectId': 63322,
u'repoName': u'm3249',
u'repoType': u'REPO',
u'usedAlloc': 175631251940.0,
u'users': [{u'firstname': u'fife',
u'lastname': u'Pseudo User',
u'middlename': u'',
u'name': u'fife',
u'uid': 79226,
u'usedAlloc': 0.0,
u'userAlloc': 0.0,
u'userAllocPct': 10.0}]}]}}}
get_status call:
{u'status': u'up', u'system': u'cori'},
{u'status': u'up', u'system': u'edison'},
{u'status': u'up', u'system': u'pdsf'},
{u'status': u'up', u'system': u'genepool'},
{u'status': u'up', u'system': u'archive'}
But request is haning
In conclusion, for each URL, I will identify and test the corresponding URL from the new SuperFacility API.
Comments above: (1) we do not run inside the decision engine right now, largely because the NEWT API was not reliable and it kept on hanging. does run in the external monitoring SW that runs on hepcsvc01, which also needs to be converted to use the superficiality API.
(2) get_queue needs to be modified because the Edison machine doesn't exist anymore, it right now only uses cori --but the queues should be adjustable by configuration for whatever machines exist.. a new machine "Perlmutter" is coming pretty soon.
Thanks for the reply.
Re: (2), I just ran again against 'cori' only this time and got a list of all the jobs running there!! We will need to find a correct way (in the new SF API) to request a list of jobs only from our projects.
I resumed working on this issue today. And I discovered a seemingly big difference between the current newt API and the SF API.
Let's limit this discussion to get_usage. Currently (when using the newt API), we load username and password from /etc/gwms-frontend/credentials/nersc_newt file and send POST request to the URL with data field of this credential. The username used here is G. Cooper. And then when calling get_usage with this authentication, we contact with this in the data field of the POST request accounts(username:\"uscms\") when we want usage data of the user "uscms" or "fife"
In short, newt API allows us to specify usage of which user we want to receive.
But my understanding of the new SF API is the only piece that I can find in the swagger.json that is equivalent to this request is When I call this URL, I just attach the access token generated from my credential. The return data from this URL is the usage of my account, In short, the SF API only returns the usage of the user that owns the access token that is used in
I conclude for now that this observation seems to indicate that in order to acquire the usage data of the user uscms(or fife), we need the credential of uscms (or fife) user and generate an access token from that.
The numbers we are really interested in are the usage of the full repos (m2612, m3249) and of various individual users within them. We should file a ticket with NERSC about this. We should in principle be able to generate an access token from the uscms or other group accounts if we get it whitelisted but that may not solve the whole problem. I will look at the API documentation and see if I can find anything.
I submitted a question to NERSC Support with the following contents: INC0162095
Hi Nersc Admins,
Please redirect this ticket to Shane Canon.
I work in Fermilab computing division with Steve Timm
and I am working on updating our newt-based nersc monitoring codes with your new SuperFacility API.
I might need to ask a series of questions but
let me start with a simple one here:
Currently we are using the NEWT API in the following way:
I have my own credentials (username and password).
With these, I first create a "newt cookie"
and then use this cookie file to access the following URL to acquire some information:
curl -k -b /root/newt_cookies.txt -X GET
curl -k -b /root/newt_cookies.txt -X GET
Now, I am trying to switch to the new SF API
and find equivalent ways to acquire the same information on
I am experimenting with the following APIs
But it looks like none of these SF API are giving me the same information as from NEWT
So, could you please guide me through how to map current NEWT APIs to the new SF APIs?
HyunWoo KIM
I am resuming working on this issue as of today. I first reviewed what I did in November and here is the summary of how we can generate access token and use it to access SF APIs
Go to and Sign in
Click on "Profile" in the drop-down menu from "hyunwoo" button in the top-right corner
Locate "Superfacility API Clients" in the middle of the page and click on "New Client" on the right side.
In the pop-up page, fill in required information and you will see
New Client Id # this will be used in payload.json
And create myprivate.pem with the copy-pasted RSA Private Key contents
Now run
date -v +120M "+%s"
(The result will be used in payload.json below)
Edit with the new myprivate.pem
#date -v +120M "+%s"
#update payload.json
rm -f body.b64
openssl base64 -in payload.json -A | tr '/+' '_-' | tr -d '=' > body.b64
rm -f jwt.txt
cat head.b64 <(echo '.') body.b64 | tr -d "\n" > jwt.txt
rm -f sig.sha256.b64
openssl dgst -sha256 -sign myprivate.pem jwt.txt | openssl base64 -A | tr '/+' '_-' | tr -d '=' > sig.sha256.b64
ASSERTION=`cat jwt.txt <(echo '.') sig.sha256.b64 | tr -d "\n"`
curl -s -XPOST -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_assertion_type=urn%3Aietf%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Aclient-assertio\
and that will print the new access token string
Put the access token in the in the same local directory
import requests
import json
from pprint import pprint
def get_headers( access_token ):
headers = {}
headers['content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer %s'%access_token
return headers
def get_headers2( access_token ):
headers = {}
headers['content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
headers['Authorization'] = access_token
return headers
my_access_token = "new access token string here"
my_header = get_headers2( my_access_token )
p_url = ''
r = requests.request(method = 'GET', url=p_url, headers=my_header)
returndict = json.loads(r.text)
pprint( returndict )
And finally run
is supposed to show us all the details of SF API.
This week, I worked on the second part of this issue, namely, exploring SF API with the generated access token. I believe their newest API version is and there I see two APIs that were not available in v1.0 from November /account/projects/ /account/projects/{repo_name}/jobs none of which seems to return results that are equivalent to result from accessing a newt URL, this is being used in in decisionengine_modules/NERSC/sources
I opened a new Nersc service ticket and asked a follow up question INC0165033 Steve is cc'ed there. Let's see how they respond to this new ticket.
I am reviewing current DE Nersc code one more time
def acquire => def send_query
for username in self.constraints.get("usernames", []):
values = self.newt.get_usage(username)
This calls
The response from Nersc is
{u'currentAlloc': 0.0,
u'firstname': u'uscms',
u'lastname': u'Pseudo User',
u'middlename': u'',
u'name': u'uscms',
u'projectId': 67263,
u'repoName': u'm3651_g',
u'repoType': u'REPO',
u'uid': 76521,
u'usedAlloc': 0.0,
u'userAlloc': 0.0,
u'userAllocPct': 100.0
{u'currentAlloc': 36007326000.0,
u'firstname': u'uscms',
u'lastname': u'Pseudo User',
u'middlename': u'',
u'name': u'uscms',
u'projectId': 67263,
u'repoName': u'm3651',
u'repoType': u'REPO',
u'uid': 76521,
u'usedAlloc': 0.0,
u'userAlloc': 0.0,
u'userAllocPct': 100.0
{u'currentAlloc': 378000000000.0,
u'firstname': u'uscms',
u'lastname': u'Pseudo User',
u'middlename': u'',
u'name': u'uscms',
u'projectId': 54807,
u'repoName': u'm2612',
u'repoType': u'REPO',
u'uid': 76521,
u'usedAlloc': 54974735223.0,
u'userAlloc': 0.0,
u'userAllocPct': 100.0
{u'currentAlloc': 0.0,
u'firstname': u'uscms',
u'lastname': u'Pseudo User',
u'middlename': u'',
u'name': u'uscms',
u'projectId': 54807,
u'repoName': u'm2612_g',
u'repoType': u'REPO',
u'uid': 76521,
u'usedAlloc': 0.0,
u'userAlloc': 0.0,
u'userAllocPct': 100.0
{u'currentAlloc': 0.0,
u'firstname': u'fife',
u'lastname': u'Pseudo User',
u'middlename': u'',
u'name': u'fife',
u'projectId': 63322,
u'repoName': u'm3249_g',
u'repoType': u'REPO',
u'uid': 79226,
u'usedAlloc': 0.0,
u'userAlloc': 0.0,
u'userAllocPct': 100.0
{u'currentAlloc': 270000000000.0,
u'firstname': u'fife',
u'lastname': u'Pseudo User',
u'middlename': u'',
u'name': u'fife',
u'projectId': 63322,
u'repoName': u'm3249',
u'repoType': u'REPO',
u'uid': 79226,
u'usedAlloc': 0.0,
u'userAlloc': 3600000000.0,
u'userAllocPct': 10.0
def acquire(self):
up_machines = [x for x in self.newt.get_status() if x['status'] == 'up']
This calls
And the response is
{u'status': u'up', u'system': u'cori'},
{u'status': u'up', u'system': u'edison'},
{u'status': u'up', u'system': u'pdsf'},
{u'status': u'up', u'system': u'genepool'},
{u'status': u'up', u'system': u'archive'}
Note that similar info can be obtained by using the following SF API
And second part of has
for m in machines:
values = self.newt.get_queue(m)
which ends up calling
But request is haning
I updated Nersc ticket asking the following follow-up questions:
Hi Bjoern,
Currently we obtain usage information by calling
and an example response looks like:
{u'currentAlloc': 270000000000.0,
u'firstname': u'fife',
u'lastname': u'Pseudo User',
u'middlename': u'',
u'name': u'fife',
u'projectId': 63322,
u'repoName': u'm3249',
u'repoType': u'REPO',
u'uid': 79226,
u'usedAlloc': 0.0,
u'userAlloc': 3600000000.0,
u'userAllocPct': 10.0
Currently by accessing,
we can obtain this usage info for individual users (fife,dunepro,gm2,uscms).
And of this data structure, we are mostly interested in "currentAlloc and usedAlloc".
So, our first set of questions should be
Which SuperFacility API ( would provide the same information
(again we are mostly interested in "currentAlloc and usedAlloc")?
If the current version of SuperFacility API does not provide this type of information yet,
do you have future plan to do so?
Or if you do not plan to provide this information in SF API, can we continue
to access
Another question would be this:
When I access
I am getting
<Response [403]>
{'message': "You don't have the permission to access the requested resource. "
'It is either read-protected or not readable by the server.'}
and when I access m3249)/jobs
I am getting
<Response [200]>
Is this because I am using my personal Nersc Client credential?
What action is needed for me to get some meaningful information from{repo_name}/jobs
Thanks very much!
This is a working Python code that I have written based on my tests so far. It assumes that we have downloaded Superfacility API cliient ID and private key (pem). With this information, it generates a JWT first and contacts a NERSC URL to retrieve an access token. Then, use this access token to access regular Superfacility APIs.
import requests
import json
from pprint import pprint
from authlib.integrations.requests_client import OAuth2Session
from authlib.oauth2.rfc7523 import PrivateKeyJWT
import pem
token_url = ""
p_url = ''
client_id = "xxxxx"
def get_access_token():
certs = pem.parse_file( "uscms-key.pem" )
private_key = str(certs[0])
client = OAuth2Session( client_id=client_id, client_secret=private_key, token_endpoint_auth_method="private_key_jwt" )
client.register_client_auth_method( PrivateKeyJWT( token_url ) )
resp = client.fetch_token( token_url, grant_type="client_credentials" )
token = resp[ "access_token" ]
return token
def get_headers2( access_token ):
headers = {}
headers['content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
headers['Authorization'] = access_token
return headers
my_access_token = get_access_token()
my_header = get_headers2( my_access_token )
r = requests.request(method = 'GET', url=p_url, headers=my_header)
returndict = json.loads( r.text )
pprint( returndict )
I will identify an appropriate place in the decision engine code to put this code.
Some restrictions:
we need to repeat this process for each of the users in a project. The above code retrieves accounting info for a pseudo user named uscms. For another user such as fife, we will need its own private key and Client ID. Acquiring each user's private key can be done by any user in a project.
For now, the lifetime of private keys are 30 days. We put in our request for extending 30 days to several months so that we don't need to repeat the process of generating private keys every month.
We also requested that they provide a way to get the total accounting info for a project.
@hyunwoo18 Any follow-up on this?
I began actually coding in fermicloud571 (my new DE dev machine) I am doing some testing and I will update more in a couple of days.
Here is my current testing version of the code:
[root@fermicloud571 sources]# pwd
[root@fermicloud571 sources]# cat
# new imports
import requests
import json
from prometheus_client import Gauge
my_access_token = ..............
sourcenop_test_values = Gauge("sourcenop_test_values", "Test metric", labelnames=["key1"], multiprocess_mode="liveall")
def get_headers2( access_token ):
headers = {}
headers['content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
headers['Authorization'] = access_token
return headers
my_header = get_headers2( my_access_token )
p_url = ''
class NerscAllocationInfo(Source.Source):
def __init__(self, config):
self.constraints = config.get('constraints')
self.max_retries = config.get("max_retries", _MAX_RETRIES)
self.retry_backoff_factor = config.get("retry_backoff_factor", _RETRY_BACKOFF_FACTOR)
# self.newt = newt.Newt( config.get("passwd_file").....
self.logger = self.logger.bind(class_module=__name__.split(".")[-1], )
def get_projects(self, p_url):
r = requests.request(method = 'GET', url=p_url, headers=my_header)
returndict = json.loads(r.text)
return returndict
def send_query(self):
results = []
for username in self.constraints.get("usernames", []):
# values = self.newt.get_usage(username)
values = self.get_projects( '' ) # self.logger.debug(f"= {values}" )
for eachX in values:
newEntry = {}
newEntry['currentAlloc'] = eachX['project_hours_given']
newEntry['usedAlloc'] = eachX['project_hours_used']
newEntry['userAlloc'] = eachX['hours_given']
newEntry['userAllocPct'] = (eachX['hours_given'] / eachX['project_hours_given']) * 100
newEntry['firstname'] = 'uscms'
newEntry['lastname'] = 'Pseudo User'
newEntry['middlename'] = ''
newEntry['name'] ='uscms'
newEntry['projectId'] = 54807
newEntry['repoName'] = eachX['repo_name']
newEntry['repoType'] = 'REPO'
newEntry['uid'] = 76521
results.append( newEntry )
newt_keys = self.constraints.get("newt_keys", {})
for key, values in newt_keys.items():
k = key
if key == 'rname':
k = 'repoName'
if key == 'repo_type':
k = 'repoType'
if values:
results = [x for x in results if x[k] in values]
return results
def acquire(self):
## temp begins:
## HK> This section was introduced only for testing purpose
## because I am only copying the source from Nersc.jsonnet. The rest is from test_channel.jsonnet
result = {
"foo": pd.DataFrame(
{"key1": "value1", "key2": 0.1},
{"key1": "value2", "key2": 2},
{"key1": "value3", "key2": "Test"},
for _, row in result["foo"].iterrows():
if isinstance(row["key2"], (float, int)):
return result
## temp ends
Looks like you are going in the right direction.. have you been able to get it started up and see what de-client --print-product Nersc_Allocation_Info looks like?
Steve, okay, I will see what I get from that command soon.
Added a new section of code to sources/ that loads a private key (from Nersc iris), contacts their auth server and finally downloads a fresh access token. I can test this access token to the SF API but the API server seems to be down the entire day today.
For this new code to work, I had to install 2 new pythong modules:
python3 -m pip install authlib
python3 -m pip install pem
python3 -m pip install PyJWT
I submitted a new ticket with NERSC (INC0181426) to ask about how to set expiration for access tickets.
Okay, there was some progress today.
I put all of SF API token related code in a new file called (can be renamed later) and put it in NERSC/util/ directory. The main file loads it like
from decisionengine_modules.NERSC.util import check_and_get
and uses it as follows;
class NerscAllocationInfo(Source.Source):
def __init__(self, config):
HK> New method
def get_projects(self, p_url, atoken):
my_header = check_and_get.get_headers2( atoken )
r = requests.request(method = 'GET', url=p_url, headers=my_header)
returndict = json.loads(r.text)
return returndict
def send_query(self):
results = []
for username in self.constraints.get("usernames", []):
atoken = check_and_get.check_accesstoken( username )
values = self.get_projects( check_and_get.p_url, atoken )
The new file, is:
def check_accesstoken( nersc_user ):
currenttime = time.time()
renew_bool = False
rawfile_ucms = '/tmp/ucms_access.token'
rawfile_fife = '/tmp/fife_access.token'
pemfile_ucms = '/tmp/ucms-fnal.pem'
pemfile_fife = '/tmp/fife-fnal.pem'
token_url = ""
client_id_ucms = "5o.........."
client_id_fife = "i4........."
rawfile = None
pemfile = None
client_id = None
if nersc_user == 'uscms':
rawfile = rawfile_ucms
pemfile = pemfile_ucms
client_id = client_id_ucms
elif nersc_user == 'fife':
rawfile = rawfile_fife
pemfile = pemfile_fife
client_id = client_id_fife
print( "Unknown user, exiting" )
return None
# HK> If an access token does not exist, we have to generate anyway.
if not os.path.exists( rawfile ):
print(f"{rawfile} does not exist. Need to generate")
renew_bool = True
# HK> If one does exist, we check the expiration
atoken = None
with open( rawfile, 'r' ) as afile:
atoken = )
atoken = atoken.rstrip()# print( atoken )
# Check the expiration
result = jwt.decode(atoken, options={"verify_signature": False}) # pprint( result )
#HK> If the access token is expired, the flow goes directly to except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError
return atoken # This means the existing access token is not expired.
except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError:
print( "expired" )
renew_bool = True
if renew_bool:
certs = pem.parse_file( pemfile )
private_key = str( certs[0] )
client = OAuth2Session( client_id=client_id, client_secret=private_key, \
token_endpoint_auth_method="private_key_jwt" )
client.register_client_auth_method( PrivateKeyJWT( token_url ) )
resp = client.fetch_token( token_url, grant_type="client_credentials" )
newtoken = resp[ "access_token" ]
print( newtoken )
with open( rawfile, 'w' ) as myfile:
myfile.write( newtoken)
return newtoken
I will need to sit with Steve now to validate the results from this new code and compare with results from using current code.
The code was merged to master (2.0) PR #468 and 1.7 PR #470 (1.7.5)
Deployed in 1.7.5 and it works
For version 1.7.5 it was also necessary to make a SourceProxy This is it:
cat from decisionengine.framework.modules import Source, SourceProxy
NerscSFApiSourceProxy = SourceProxy.SourceProxy Source.describe(NerscSFApiSourceProxy)
Suggest this be committed back to git.
This also required the "pem" and "Authlib" pip libraries to be added to the machine, have to modify our puppet accordingly.
So only one more thing we need.
Found in channel cms_resource_request +----+---------------+--------------+-------+-----------------------+----------------------+-------------+ | | hours_given | hours_used | id | project_hours_given | project_hours_used | repo_name | |----+---------------+--------------+-------+-----------------------+----------------------+-------------| | 0 | 600000 | 468013 | 54807 | 600000 | 468469 | m2612 |
The data block doesn't include the user name, although it does include the user id. It would be very helpful if it could include the user id as well.
Fixed. Closing this.
SC Shane Canon Additional comments•2020-04-17 09:55:58 There is also the SuperFacility API which is starting to come along.
Can you look at the APIs here...
And note where there are gaps in what you need? I'm not sure if all of these are functional yet and the API is still i alpha mode.
The above API will eventually replace the NEWT API making us have to redo all our NERSC code again.