HEPData / hepdata

Repository for main HEPData web application
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ci: migrate to Sauce Connect 5 #754

Open GraemeWatt opened 5 months ago

GraemeWatt commented 5 months ago

Sauce Connect 5 was recently released with general availability. The announcement email says:

Note that Sauce Connect 4.0 is transitioning into maintenance mode, where it will receive bug fix releases exclusively until its end-of-life in December 2024. Please plan accordingly and reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

I've spent the last couple of days trying to get Sauce Connect 5 working on my laptop (macOS 14.2.1) without success. One breaking change is that a tunnel name is now required. It can be specified with -i "${SAUCE_USERNAME}_tunnel_name" then using the same tunnel name in tests/e2e/conftest.py:


For example, use 'tunnelName': os.environ.get('GITHUB_RUN_ID', local_tunnel_name) where local_tunnel_name = os.environ.get('SAUCE_USERNAME', '') + '_tunnel_name'. After this change, I could start Sauce Connect, but I got an error message trying a live local test:

sauce_connect proxying is denied to host "localhost:5000" localhost proxying is disabled"

I added an option --proxy-localhost allow or --proxy-localhost direct and the live local test partially succeeded in that the HEPData homepage was displayed, but I could not navigate to other pages. The end-to-end tests all failed with timeouts. I have tried various other options without success. This problem should be investigated further and overcome by the end of 2024.