HEPData / hepdata_lib

Library for getting your data into HEPData
MIT License
15 stars 39 forks source link

Automated the release of hepdata_lib to PyPI #127

Closed SirVheod closed 4 years ago

SirVheod commented 4 years ago

Created release.yml workflow to automatically bump version, create and publish package to PyPI when opening issue. Sends automatic comment on the issue with published version and link to PyPI.

clelange commented 4 years ago

Thanks for this! To fix the issue with the macOS tests, can you try the following after the brew update command:

brew uninstall openssl; brew uninstall openssl; brew install https://github.com/tebelorg/Tump/releases/download/v1.0.0/openssl.rb

or alternatively:

brew switch openssl 1.0.2s