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Fixing parameter and correlation color plot #2

Open DanielSamitz opened 4 years ago

DanielSamitz commented 4 years ago

Dear Apprentice Authors,

another possible bug:

When I'm fixing a parameter in the limit file via the command line option -l in app-tune2, the labeling in the color plot of parameter correlations turns out to be wrong.

If I have e.g. the tuning parameters a,b,c,d and I fix the parameter b = const, the labels in the color plot are a,b,c instead of a,c,d. If I fix e.g. the parameters b and d, the labels are a,b instead of a,d

So it seems that when producing the color plot of the parameter correlations always the last parameters in the list are discarded, regardless of which ones were actually fixed in the limits file.

Greetings, Daniel Samitz

ojinoo commented 1 year ago

The problem is that the names of fixed parameters are not removed when setting the plot ticks.

To fix, modify in app-tune2.mkPlotsCorrelation:

    pnames = np.array(TO.pnames)[TO._freeIdx]
    pylab.yticks([i for i in range(nd)], pnames, rotation=00)
    locs, labels = pylab.xticks()
    pylab.xticks([i for i in range(nd)], pnames, rotation=90)