Open steven-murray opened 3 years ago
For reference, the EPOCH defining memo is
What is the motivation for saving one non-LST-binned file per epoch?
@jaguirre I think the motivation is that we want something at the raw level for each epoch (each epoch having slightly different systematic parameters). This gives us one file to look back to if problems arise that we can't figure out at the LST-binned level.
Step 4.1: End-to-End for H1C IDR3
This will be the full end-to-end test for H1C IDR3.
With respect to Step 4.0 (H1C IDR2), this has several updated components:
The biggest difference, logistically, is that we want to simulate all days/epochs in the IDR3 dataset. This will be difficult in terms of compute/storage. Here's a plan:
Basic Flow:
Note that after doing a single epoch, we can fine-tune for remaining epochs. Some ideas would be to not produce ALL the days for each epoch, but instead do roughly 1/2 of the days (about 10). Note that throughout, we have N_EPOCHS=4 and N_COMBINATIONS=5.
CPU Time Estimates
Total wall-time estimate = IDEAL3 + N_EPOCH N_COMBINATION *(6+ 60 + PREPROCESS + PSPEC). If the latter two are negligible compared to the 60 hours for calibration, then we're looking at something like 100 hours per epoch and combination.
MAX Storage estimates
So total MAX storage is 0.24 + 8 + (N_EPOCH+1)N_COMBINATION0.125 + (N_EPOCH-1)*0.25 = 9 + 3.5 = 12.5 (TB)
LONG TERM STORAGE REQUIREMENTS Long term, we'll keep all the LST-binned datasets for all combinations, and a single day for all Epochs (in one combination) and the ideal data. This should be 0.675N_COMBINATION + 0.254 + 0.25 = 1.25 + 0.675*5 = 4.5 (TB)
, in-painting, "pre-processing"Why this test is required
This is the final big test to make sure everything fits together well.
Simulation Details
Criteria for Success