HERA-Team / hera_cal

Library for HERA data reduction, including redundant calibration, absolute calibration, and LST-binning.
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Simulate Abscal Model for H3C RTP #538

Open jsdillon opened 4 years ago

jsdillon commented 4 years ago

Once #485 is complete to our satisfaction, we will need a reference "best" simulation of H3C.

jsdillon commented 4 years ago

@zacharymartinot: for now, we want all unique baselines (perhaps restricted to the HERA core) for all LSTs and frequencies. But if you want to use a subset of unique baselines, talk to Dave about what would be reasonable to carry us through H3C.

jsdillon commented 4 years ago

In today's analysis telecon, @miguelfmorales suggests that due to precession we probably need one abscal simulation model per month of observing or so. This can align with how we're planning to do per-month LST-binning (see #541).