hera_snap_feng_init.py currently moves snaps into the "dead_feng" category dynamically on load. This can be overridden with the new "--allsnaps" flag, but we need a more general solution to robustness in ensuring SNAP initialization. Should aim to roll this out for H4C_v2 observing.
In the h4cv2 branch has a fix to this issue; we can ensure snaps are present and it does not fail silently when they aren't. Will close issue when h4cv2 branch is merged in.
hera_snap_feng_init.py currently moves snaps into the "dead_feng" category dynamically on load. This can be overridden with the new "--allsnaps" flag, but we need a more general solution to robustness in ensuring SNAP initialization. Should aim to roll this out for H4C_v2 observing.