array_signal_source: Array-wide information about the commanded signal source
time* (GPS second): time when the input source was changed
source (string): One of "antenna", "load", "noise", "digital_same_seed", "digital_different_seed"
correlator_component_start_times: When correlator components started
component* (string): One of "feng_sync", "xeng_integration" (in this case it's calculated from the Mcount, "catcher"
time* (GPS second): start time for this component
xeng_int_start: Integer Mcount for x engine to start integrating
time* (GPS second): time that the xeng int start happened in GPS seconds
Mcount: the integer Mcount for x engine to start integrating
lst_grid_parameters: Parameters in the correlator that control the LST grid
time* (GPS second): time when the parameter was set
parameter* (string): One of "samples_per_mcount", "sample_clock_freq", "xeng_ntime", "catcher_ngrid"
value (float): in the above order: ~number of time samples going into FFT, Sample clock frequency in Hz, Integer number of Mcounts per GPU block (sets minimum GPU integration time), number of LST bins over the sky
bda_config: Maps pairs of correlator inputs to BDA tiers
time* (GPS second): time when bda config was set
input1* (integer): first correlator input number
input2* (integer): second correlator input number
tier (integer): BDA tier (1, 2, 3 or 4)
bda_tier: Number of xgpu fine integrations for each tier
time* (GPS second): time when bda config was set
tier* (integer): BDA tier (1, 2, 3 or 4)
integrations (integer): Number of xgpu fine integrations for this tier
These are the new tables we plan to add:
array_signal_source: Array-wide information about the commanded signal source
correlator_component_start_times: When correlator components started
xeng_int_start: Integer Mcount for x engine to start integrating
lst_grid_parameters: Parameters in the correlator that control the LST grid
bda_config: Maps pairs of correlator inputs to BDA tiers
bda_tier: Number of xgpu fine integrations for each tier
These are the old tables we plan to remove: