Some power wifi/dev stuff for Flipper Zero by B4
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Flipper zero - unleashed-017 Crash #2

Open kirner opened 1 year ago

kirner commented 1 year ago

Hello, on Unleashed-017 it always crash with this error: NULL pointer dereference

Lollitoz commented 1 year ago

if you click something in the flipper, the app will crash (i have the same experience). But if you proceed to configure it ONLY from the site and click the attack button in that website, it will work.

HEX0DAYS commented 1 year ago

Hello, Files was outdated by october, dunno if you compiled last by yourself but, you can get that error if you press any button while you opening the deauther app, when you open the deauther faps, the deauther will perform a first and automatic wifi scan, so if you press any buttons in this phase, the app will crash giving this error, so just open the deauth faps on your flipper and then wait for 5-10 seconds or when the Blue led go off, and then use it. if still crash, retry to open a more couple of times.

arnoakavdb commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem but I've seen also that wiring with a 5v to 3,3v regulator help for crash is that right?I flash latest 2.6 bin & use V2 app with unleashed

Lollitoz commented 1 year ago

i resolved in 2 ways. first of all i installed the last .fap released. after these are my two ways to use:

1) don't touch anything on the flipper and use your phone connected to the flipper' wifi

2) if you want to use your flipper, click "logs from start ", it will appear a log about the esp8266 (it could be empty), go back to the deauther menu and click scan, after you can choose SSDIs or station and the type of attack.

arnoakavdb commented 1 year ago

If I use with web interface no problem but with flipper when I click show scan or show list is always empty

Lollitoz commented 1 year ago

could you send a video about it?

arnoakavdb commented 1 year ago


here is a video where first i try with logs from start & the second part is directly go to scan

arnoakavdb commented 1 year ago

Finally that's my fault I solder Rx & tx on wrong pins sorry 😐

Lollitoz commented 1 year ago

NOOOO, shit happens 🥲