HEXRD / hexrd

A cross-platform, open-source library for the analysis of X-ray diffraction data.
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Docstrings #647

Closed kevindlewis23 closed 3 weeks ago

kevindlewis23 commented 3 weeks ago

Doc strings added in xf_new_capi. Also fixed a bug in xy_to_gvec where a variable name was incorrect.

The make_binary_rmat function does not have a doc string as I could not find any documentation about it. Is it necessary to keep around, or is it unused?

Also, in some testing, I found that the unit_vector function is transposed as to what it was in the old xf api, which is what most of the functions use (it's nx3 instead of 3xn). Is this intended?

pep8speaks commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @kevindlewis23! Thanks for updating this PR. We checked the lines you've touched for PEP 8 issues, and found:

Line 359:69: W291 trailing whitespace

Comment last updated at 2024-06-20 14:24:12 UTC
kevindlewis23 commented 3 weeks ago

Changes incorporated, should be ready to push.