HEXRD / hexrd

A cross-platform, open-source library for the analysis of X-ray diffraction data.
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Code coverage #656

Closed kevindlewis23 closed 2 weeks ago

kevindlewis23 commented 2 weeks ago

Codecov needs to be setup. Get a token from here and setup for hexrd. Must be added as a workflow secret in settings.

Once it is, this PR adds a code coverage workflow and a status badge to the readme.

Maybe refactor to add the code coverage workflow to be part of the test workflow. I did it separately because the test workflow runs on many OS's and that is unnecessary for coverage checks. Also codecov needs an editable install of hexrd, and while I assume that doesn't change anything, the actual test cases should be as close to production as possible.

Fixes: #571

kevindlewis23 commented 2 weeks ago

However, I'm not sure what to do about the editable install (-e) part. I guess we can keep this as a separate workflow if we want the main tests to not perform an editable install. The only issue is that, if we make workflow changes to the test.yml, they won't be reflected here. But we might need to just work with that anyways. What do you think?

I think it makes more sense to move it actually. I'm going to do that

kevindlewis23 commented 2 weeks ago

I added the codecov stuff to the test workflow now