HEXRD / hexrdgui

Qt6 PySide6 based GUI for the HEXRD library.
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Visualize the grain fitting results #429

Closed cjh1 closed 3 years ago

cjh1 commented 4 years ago

@joelvbernier Is going to provide some code examples.

joelvbernier commented 4 years ago

Ok -- first let me tabulate the anatomy of the grains.out file. There are 21 columns; they represent:

0    grain ID
1    completeness
2    chi^2
3    exp_map_c[0]      
4    exp_map_c[1] 
5    exp_map_c[2]       
6    t_vec_c[0]
7    t_vec_c[1]
8    t_vec_c[2]
9    inv(V_s)[0,0]
10   inv(V_s)[1,1]
11   inv(V_s)[2,2]
12   inv(V_s)[1,2]*sqrt(2)
13   inv(V_s)[0,2]*sqrt(2)
14   inv(V_s)[0,2]*sqrt(2)
15   ln(V_s)[0,0]
16   ln(V_s)[1,1]
17   ln(V_s)[2,2]
18   ln(V_s)[1,2]
19   ln(V_s)[0,2]
20   ln(V_s)[0,1]

The 12 parameters in the slice [:, 3:15] are the grain parameters that are used by the various models and methods, 3 orientation parameters, 3 center-of-mass coordinates (x, y, z), and 6 strain parameters as the scaled components of the inverse stretch tensor in the sample frame (not particularly useful by itself...). For convenience, I convert those last 6 grain parameters to strain tensor components in the sample frame in the last 6 columns.

For a start, we will want to use the COM coords for a 3-d scatter plot (cols [:, 6:9]), where the colormap is selectable from the following scalars:

[:, 0]      completeness ratio
[:, 1]      goodness of fit
[:, 3:6]    grain orientation *
[:, 15]     xx strain
[:, 16]     yy strain
[:, 17]     zz strain
[:, 18]     yz strain
[:, 19]     xz strain
[:, 20]     xy strain
[:, 15:21]  equivalent strain *

the * quantities require calculation. I'll have to get you a colormap generator for orientation -- it depends on the symmetry group of the material (@saransh13: do you have code to do this?). The equivalent strain is a simple calculation:

from hexrd.matrixutil import vecMVToSymm

ngrains = len(grains_table)  # loadtxt on grains.out

eqv_strain = np.zeros(ngrains)
for i, grain in enumerate(grains_table):
    emat = vecMVToSymm(grain[15:21], scale=False)
    eqv_strain[i]= 2.*np.sqrt(np.sum(emat*emat))/3.
cjh1 commented 4 years ago

@joelvbernier Thanks for this @johnkit It going to push a PR to refactor the grain fitting code so it returns the results. It would be great if we can get the colormap generator and example plot code soon.

cjh1 commented 4 years ago

@joelvbernier ping

cjh1 commented 4 years ago

@joelvbernier, @johnkit has pushed the fit grains work, we will have to put this to one side until we have an example of the viz.

cjh1 commented 4 years ago

@joelvbernier WiIl add the mplot 3d code for this.

cjh1 commented 4 years ago

@joelvbernier To provide HDF5 file and code for visualizing a single grain/spot data.

johnkit commented 4 years ago

@joelvbernier @cjh1 Here is a look at the beginning of a "fit grains results dialog". There is more to do, but I thought I should show everyone where I am heading and give you a chance to comment/redirect.


joelvbernier commented 4 years ago

@johnkit -- so far so good!

One thing I forgot to mention yesterday would be the ability to visualize the Bragg peak ("spot") data associated with a given grain. These are the data structures that get distilled into the spots_<grain_id>.out files for each detector, and are the output of hexrd.instrument.HEDMInstrument.pull_spots() (here). So it looks like I have a kwarg intended for saving the full data structures that isn't hooked up (yet...). I had written an option to dump the results to HDF5, and below is a plotting script that uses the HDF5 data structure to make montage plots for all spots of a given type (the second column of the spots files). Here is an example of the structure currently getting saved to HDF5: Screen Shot 2020-08-19 at 10 31 29 AM And here are the plotting results from the command calling the attached script:

(hexrdgui) vpna-e-128-15-239-171:dye-869-1 joel$ python spot_montage.py --help
usage: spot_montage.py [-h] [-t THRESHOLD] hdf5_archive gvec_id

Montage of spot data for a specifed G-vector family

positional arguments:
  hdf5_archive          hdf5 archive filename
  gvec_id               unique G-vector ID from PlaneData

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
                        intensity threshold
(hexrdgui) vpna-e-128-15-239-171:dye-869-1 joel$ python -i spot_montage.py results_fd1-q-1/grain_00004_nearest.hdf5 1

Screen Shot 2020-08-19 at 10 36 57 AM First, here is an example script that calls the pull_spots() method from a config file:

# manual call to pull_spots for dumping hdf5
    import dill as cpl
    import pickle as cpl

import glob

import numpy as np

import os

import yaml

from hexrd import config
from hexrd import instrument
from hexrd import imageseries
from hexrd.imageseries.omega import OmegaImageSeries

# %%
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================

cfg_filename = 'config_fd1-q-1.yaml'

grain_id = 0
tol_loop_idx = -1
block_number = 0    # ONLY FOR TIMESERIES CFG
interp = 'nearest'

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================

# %%
cfg = config.open(cfg_filename)[block_number]

# load instrument
instr = cfg.instrument.hedm

# load plane data
plane_data = cfg.material.plane_data

imsd = cfg.image_series

# %%
tth_tol = cfg.fit_grains.tolerance.tth[tol_loop_idx]
eta_tol = cfg.fit_grains.tolerance.eta[tol_loop_idx]
ome_tol = cfg.fit_grains.tolerance.omega[tol_loop_idx]
npdiv = cfg.fit_grains.npdiv
threshold = cfg.fit_grains.threshold

eta_ranges = np.radians(cfg.find_orientations.eta.range)
ome_period = np.radians(cfg.find_orientations.omega.period)
# %%
grains_file = os.path.join(cfg.analysis_dir, 'grains.out')

grains_table = np.loadtxt(grains_file, ndmin=2)
grain = grains_table[grain_id]
grain_params = grain[3:15]

# %%
# =============================================================================
# Calls to output
# =============================================================================

# HDF5
complvec, results = instr.pull_spots(
    plane_data, grain_params,
    npdiv=npdiv, threshold=threshold,
    dirname=cfg.analysis_dir, filename='grain_%05d_%s' % (grain_id, interp),
    save_spot_list=False, output_format='hdf5',
    quiet=True, check_only=False, interp=interp)

# %% for referene, this is the call to txt output
# complvec, results = instr.pull_spots(
#     plane_data, grain_params,
#     imsd,
#     tth_tol=tth_tol,
#     eta_tol=eta_tol,
#     ome_tol=ome_tol,
#     npdiv=npdiv, threshold=threshold,
#     eta_ranges=eta_ranges,
#     ome_period=ome_period,
#     dirname=cfg.analysis_dir, filename='spots_%05d.out' % grain_id,
#     save_spot_list=False,
#     quiet=True, check_only=False, interp=interp)

and here it the plotting script with CLI

#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Apr 19 15:29:27 2017

@author: bernier2

import argparse

import numpy as np
import h5py
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# Options
params = {'text.usetex': True,
          'font.size': 14,
          'font.family': 'mathrm',
          'text.latex.unicode': True,
          'pgf.texsystem': 'pdflatex'


def montage(X, colormap=plt.cm.inferno, show_borders=True,
            title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None,
            threshold=None, filename=None):
    m, n, count = np.shape(X)
    img_data = np.log(X - np.min(X) + 1)
    if threshold is None:
        threshold = 0.
        threshold = np.log(threshold - np.min(X) + 1)
    mm = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(count)))
    nn = mm
    M = np.zeros((mm * m, nn * n))

    # colormap

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    image_id = 0
    for j in range(mm):
        sliceM = j * m
        for k in range(nn):
            if image_id >= count:
                img = np.nan*np.ones((m, n))
                img = img_data[:, :, image_id]
            sliceN = k * n
            M[sliceM:sliceM + m, sliceN:sliceN + n] = img
            image_id += 1
    # M = np.sqrt(M + np.min(M))
    im = ax.imshow(M, cmap=colormap, vmin=threshold, interpolation='nearest')
    if show_borders:
        xs = np.vstack(
            [np.vstack([[n*i, n*i] for i in range(nn+1)]),
             np.tile([0, nn*n], (mm+1, 1))]
        ys = np.vstack(
            [np.tile([0, mm*m], (nn+1, 1)),
             np.vstack([[m*i, m*i] for i in range(mm+1)])]
        for xp, yp in zip(xs, ys):
            ax.plot(xp, yp, 'c:')
    if xlabel is None:
        ax.set_xlabel(r'$2\theta$', FontSize=14)
        ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, FontSize=14)
    if ylabel is None:
        ax.set_ylabel(r'$\eta$', FontSize=14)
        ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, FontSize=14)
    cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.875, 0.155, 0.025, 0.725])
    cbar = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax)
    cbar.set_label(r"$\ln(intensity)$", labelpad=5)
    if title is not None:
        ax.set_title(title, FontSize=18)
    if filename is not None:
        fig.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300)
    return M

def plot_gvec_from_hdf5(fname, gvec_id, threshold=0.):
    f = h5py.File(fname, 'r')

    for det_key, panel_data in f['reflection_data'].items():
        for spot_id, spot_data in panel_data.items():
            attrs = spot_data.attrs
            if attrs['hkl_id'] == gvec_id:
                # grab some data
                tth_crd = np.degrees(spot_data['tth_crd'])
                eta_crd = np.degrees(spot_data['eta_crd'])
                intensities = np.transpose(
                        (1, 2, 0)

                # make labels
                figname = r'Spot %d, ' % attrs['peak_id'] \
                    + r"detector '%s', " % det_key \
                    + r'({:^3} {:^3} {:^3})'.format(*attrs['hkl'])
                xlabel = r'$2\theta\in(%.3f, %.3f)$' \
                    % (tth_crd[0], tth_crd[-1])
                ylabel = r'$\eta\in(%.3f, %.3f)$' \
                    % (eta_crd[0], eta_crd[-1])

                # make montage
                montage(intensities, title=figname,
                        xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel,

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Montage of spot data for a specifed G-vector family")

                        help="hdf5 archive filename",
                        help="unique G-vector ID from PlaneData",

    parser.add_argument('-t', '--threshold',
                        help="intensity threshold",
                        type=float, default=0.)

    args = parser.parse_args()

    h5file = args.hdf5_archive
    hklid = args.gvec_id
    threshold = args.threshold

    plot_gvec_from_hdf5(h5file, hklid, threshold=threshold)

Not sure the best way to do this vis -- maybe 3-d isosurfaces around the spots in the full angle space (tth, eta, ome), like a 3-d version of the polarview? The montages could be packaged into a GridSpec as a start.

As far as wiring this in, we could have a right-click menu on the grains table to execute the HDF5-based pull_spots, and just load the results for plotting... Thoughts?

psavery commented 3 years ago

@joelvbernier @saransh13 Hi Joel.

Does the equation for equivalent strain work for stress as well? Like the following:

eqv_stress = np.zeros(ngrains)
for i in range(ngrains):
    m = vecMVToSymm(stress[i], scale=False)
    eqv_stress[i]= 2.*np.sqrt(np.sum(m*m))/3.
joelvbernier commented 3 years ago

For stress it is 3/2 instead of 2/3. There is one other thing, however; the variable m should be the deviator of the stress.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 9, 2020, at 18:00, Patrick Avery notifications@github.com wrote:  @joelvbernier @saransh13 Hi Joel.

Does the equation for equivalent strain work for stress as well? Like the following:

eqv_stress = np.zeros(ngrains) for i in range(ngrains): m = vecMVToSymm(stress[i], scale=False) eqv_stress[i]= 2.np.sqrt(np.sum(mm))/3. — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.

psavery commented 3 years ago

@joelvbernier Can you show us how to make m the deviator of the stress?

donald-e-boyce commented 3 years ago

To make the deviator, you subtract the spherical/dilational part so that the trace becomes zero.

m = \sigma - (1/3) trace(\sigma) I

where I is the identity.

On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 9:01 PM Patrick Avery notifications@github.com wrote:

@joelvbernier https://github.com/joelvbernier Can you show us how to make m the deviator of the stress?

— You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/HEXRD/hexrdgui/issues/429#issuecomment-729326859, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AAIWT6K55PJFSIPZ62VZKWTSQMTGRANCNFSM4PD45J3Q .

psavery commented 3 years ago

@donald-e-boyce Okay, so this is what I have for the code now.

eqv_stress = np.zeros(ngrains)
for i in range(ngrains):
    sigma = vecMVToSymm(stress[i], scale=False)
    deviator = sigma - (1/3) * np.trace(sigma) * np.identity(3)
    eqv_stress[i]= 3 * np.sqrt(np.sum(deviator**2)) / 2

Let me know if it is incorrect in any way.