Current Monte-Carlo methods do not allow using the method mutiple times during one sample sequence. Eg: When sampling from an LSTM, we'd need 10 sampling calls. However, it will not allow this as the plate is already present. Rather, if the plate is already present, it should just take that plate and not add any dimensions.
Also, to make sure we can employ #66 over sequences, we have to make sure we can figure out what the prefixes are. Which requires this.
Current Monte-Carlo
s do not allow using the method mutiple times during one sample sequence. Eg: When sampling from an LSTM, we'd need 10 sampling calls. However, it will not allow this as the plate is already present. Rather, if the plate is already present, it should just take that plate and not add any dimensions.Also, to make sure we can employ #66 over sequences, we have to make sure we can figure out what the prefixes are. Which requires this.