HFQR / xitca-web

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Xitca Return a router to Main App #883

Closed andodeki closed 8 months ago

andodeki commented 8 months ago

I am trying to implement a Xitca router with state but I am having trouble. I have an axum implementation as below in system.rs

const NAME: &str = "Nigiginc HTTP\n";
const PONG: &str = "pong\n";

pub fn router(state: Arc<AppState>, metrics_config:
&HttpMetricsConfig) -> Router {
    let mut router = Router::new()
        .route("/", get(|| async { NAME }))
        .route("/ping", get(|| async { PONG }))
        .route("/stats", get(get_stats));
    if metrics_config.enabled {
        router = router.route(&metrics_config.endpoint, get(get_metrics));


then in main.rs i have

let app_state = build_app_state(&config, system).await;
    let mut app = Router::new()
        .merge(system::router(app_state.clone(), &config.metrics))
        .layer(middleware::from_fn_with_state(app_state.clone(), jwt_auth));

So the question is can i return a router from another file and merger the router in the main where Xitca server is started?

fakeshadow commented 8 months ago

Can you show a minimal example where you trigger this error?

andodeki commented 8 months ago

With #884 following code can be used for scoped router configuration:

use xitca_web::{
    handler::{handler_service, state::StateRef},
    App, NestApp,

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let state = build_state().await;

    let mut app = App::new();
    app = mod1::route(app);


async fn build_state() -> String {

mod mod1 {
    use super::*;

    pub(super) fn route(app: NestApp<String>) -> NestApp<String> {
        app.at("/", get(handler_service(handler)))

    async fn handler(StateRef(state): StateRef<'_, String>) -> String {
error[E0277]: the trait bound `for<'r2> (dyn for<'r> ServiceObject<WebContext<'r, AppState>, for<'r> Error = RouterError<xitca_web::error::Error<AppState>>, for<'r> Response = xitca_http::Response<xitca_http::ResponseBody>> + 'static): xitca_service::Service<WebContext<'r2, Arc<AppState>>>` is not satisfied
   --> src/http/xitcav_http/http_server.rs:205:10
205 |         .serve()
    |          ^^^^^ the trait `for<'r2> xitca_service::Service<WebContext<'r2, Arc<AppState>>>` is not implemented for `(dyn for<'r> ServiceObject<WebContext<'r, AppState>, for<'r> Error = RouterError<xitca_web::error::Error<AppState>>, for<'r> Response = xitca_http::Response<xitca_http::ResponseBody>> + 'static)`

    error[E0277]: the size for values of type `(dyn for<'r> ServiceObject<WebContext<'r, AppState>, for<'r> Error = RouterError<xitca_web::error::Error<AppState>>, for<'r> Response = xitca_http::Response<xitca_http::ResponseBody>> + 'static)` cannot be known at compilation time
   --> src/http/xitcav_http/http_server.rs:205:10
205 |         .serve()
    |          ^^^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time

say when its as below with Arc from the provided example

async fn build_state() -> Arc<String> {

we get the same behaviour

fakeshadow commented 8 months ago

The code you reference compile for me. I don't know where you get the error from it. and if you are using Arc<String> as state just simply replace all types like this:

use std::sync::Arc;

use xitca_web::{
    handler::{handler_service, state::StateRef},
    App, NestApp,

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let state = build_state().await;

    let mut app = App::new();
    app = mod1::route(app);


async fn build_state() -> Arc<String> {

mod mod1 {
    use super::*;

    pub(super) fn route(app: NestApp<Arc<String>>) -> NestApp<Arc<String>> {
        app.at("/", get(handler_service(handler)))

    async fn handler(StateRef(state): StateRef<'_, Arc<String>>) -> String {
andodeki commented 8 months ago

Ok i didnt change in all instances of AppState

andodeki commented 8 months ago

How can i get the clients ip from this definition

pub fn request_diagnostics<E, C>(
    next: &mut Next<E>,
    mut ctx: WebContext<'_, C>,
) -> Result<WebResponse<()>, E>
    // S: for<'r> Service<WebContext<'r, C>, Response = WebResponse, Error = Error<C>>,
    C: Borrow<AppState>, // annotate we want to borrow &String from generic C state type.
    let ip_address = ctx.req().uri().host().unwrap().parse().unwrap();
fakeshadow commented 8 months ago

Let's take the previous example and expand on it:

use std::sync::Arc;

use xitca_web::{
    handler::{handler_service, state::StateRef},
    App, NestApp,

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let state = build_state().await;

    let mut app = App::new();
    app = mod1::route(app);


async fn build_state() -> Arc<String> {

mod mod1 {
    use super::*;

    pub(super) fn route(app: NestApp<Arc<String>>) -> NestApp<Arc<String>> {
        app.at("/", get(handler_service(handler)))

    use xitca_web::http::RequestExt;

    async fn handler(
        ext: &RequestExt<()>,
        StateRef(state): StateRef<'_, String>
    ) -> String {
        println!("{}", ext.socket_addr());

in xitca-web client address is exposed to you as std::net::SocketAddr type. But in general you should not trust it to be the real client ip address. It's only useful as a hint when your application is not behind reverse proxy.

And in middleware you can acquire it with this api:

fn get_addr<C>(ctx: &WebContext<'_, C>) -> std::net::SocketAddr {
andodeki commented 8 months ago

it compiles now how can i handle CORS

fakeshadow commented 8 months ago

xitca-web is compatable with tower-http which is also what axum uses so if you have a tower-http compat middleware you can use it in xitca-web like this:

xitca-web = { version = "0.2", features = ["codegen", "cookie", "tower-http-compat", "json"] }
tower-http = { version = "0.5", features = ["full"] }

use std::sync::Arc;

use tower_http::cors::CorsLayer;
use xitca_web::{
    handler::{handler_service, state::StateRef},
    middleware::{eraser::TypeEraser, tower_http_compat::TowerHttpCompat, Group},
    App, NestApp,

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let state = build_state().await;

    let mut app = App::new();
    app = mod1::route(app);

        // start a group of middlewares for low cost type compat
                // add tower-http middlewares.
                // other tower-http middlewares
                // erase tower-http compat types

async fn build_state() -> Arc<String> {

mod mod1 {
    use super::*;

    pub(super) fn route(app: NestApp<Arc<String>>) -> NestApp<Arc<String>> {
        app.at("/", get(handler_service(handler)))

    async fn handler(StateRef(state): StateRef<'_, String>) -> String {
fakeshadow commented 8 months ago

that said there is a bug preventing above code to compile and thanks to your question i'm getting a fix for it.

andodeki commented 8 months ago

yeah i think so because i had an almost similar type of setup and not compiling i followed the tower-http example

fakeshadow commented 8 months ago

yeah i think so because i had an almost similar type of setup and not compiling i followed the tower-http example

888 will fix the cors issue. Though for multiple tower middlewares there is still some bugs.

fakeshadow commented 8 months ago

If you update your patch with the latest main branch hash the above cors example would be working.

xitca-http = { git = "https://github.com/HFQR/xitca-web.git", rev = "912c707" }
xitca-router = { git = "https://github.com/HFQR/xitca-web.git", rev = "912c707" }
xitca-web = { git = "https://github.com/HFQR/xitca-web.git", rev = "912c707" }
andodeki commented 8 months ago

ok let me set it up.

fakeshadow commented 8 months ago

As for multiple tower-http middlewares for now you can use tower's ServiceBuilder type as work around. example:

            .layer(..other tower-http layers),

the fix on xitca-web's part would be looked into later. hopefully before 0.2 release.

andodeki commented 8 months ago

i have a configure_cors() function that returns CorsLayer from tower_http


this now compiles

andodeki commented 8 months ago

also had it tested it works

origin, access-control-request-method, access-control-request-headers

While we at it how can one implement rate-limiting and concurrent-request limiting

fakeshadow commented 8 months ago

also had it tested it works

origin, access-control-request-method, access-control-request-headers

While we at it how can one implement rate-limiting and concurrent-request limiting

There is no built in feature for them. In general if you add Connection: Close header to a http response xitca-web would try to gracefully shutdown the connection when possible. So a middleware that conditionally close connection would suffice for normal rate-limiting. As for concurrency limiting I don't get what you mean exactly. For http/1 there is no concurrent request existing. You handle request in serial so the only concurrency is how many tcp connections you keep open. For http/2 there is indeed concurrent request existing and for now xitca-web hard coded the concurrency to 200 which is the default value of h2 crate.

andodeki commented 8 months ago

i meant in the context of limiting concurrent request from a single ip

fakeshadow commented 8 months ago

i meant in the context of limiting concurrent request from a single ip

Then like my previous reply. There is no concurrent request in http/1 for a single tcp connection and everything is serialized. For http/2 it's hard coded to 200 concurrent multiplexed streams per tcp connection. Of course a client can possibly make multiple tcp connections to your server and in most case the number is limited by your firewall/router/etc which is not in the control of xitca-web

fakeshadow commented 8 months ago

In general rate limiting should be about guarding your expensive business logic. How many TCP/UDP connections per client can keep open is usually task for your reverse proxy and firewall. That said you can config them if you want with xitca-http. xitca-web by itself does not expose any interfaces for layer 4 connection types(TCP and UDP)

andodeki commented 8 months ago

Just for illustration how would it happen with this

That said you can config them if you want with xitca-http.
andodeki commented 8 months ago

i have tried using


i get this error

error[E0282]: type annotations needed
   --> src/http/xitcav_http/http_server.rs:162:19
162 |         .enclosed(TowerHttpCompat::new(
    |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type of the type parameter `C` declared on the struct `TowerHttpCompat`
help: consider specifying the generic arguments
162 |         .enclosed(TowerHttpCompat::<ServiceBuilder<tower::layer::util::Stack<CorsLayer, tower::layer::util::Identity>>, C, xitca_http::RequestBody, CompatResBody<CompatResBody<xitca_http::ResponseBody>>, xitca_web::error::Error<Arc<AppState>>>::new(
    |                                  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
fakeshadow commented 8 months ago

Just for illustration how would it happen with this

That said you can config them if you want with xitca-http.
use xitca_http::{http::StatusCode, HttpServiceBuilder};
use xitca_io::net::Stream;
use xitca_web::{
    handler::{handler_service, Responder},
    service::{Service, ServiceExt},
    App, WebContext,

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    let service = App::new()
        .at("/", get(handler_service(|| async { "hello,world!" })))
        // middleware before App::finish have access to http request types.
        // middleware after http service have access to raw connection types.
        .bind("service_name", "", service)?

async fn request_limit<S, C>(service: &S, ctx: WebContext<'_, C>) -> Result<WebResponse, Error<C>>
    S: for<'r> Service<WebContext<'r, C>, Response = WebResponse, Error = Error<C>>,
    let addr = ctx.req().body().socket_addr();

    // rate limit based on client addr
    if check_addr(addr) {
        return StatusCode::TOO_MANY_REQUESTS.respond(ctx).await;


async fn connection_limit<S>(service: &S, conn: Stream) -> Result<S::Response, S::Error>
    S: Service<Stream, Response = ()>,
    match &conn {
        Stream::Tcp(.., addr) => {
            // drop connection on condition.
            if check_addr(addr) {
                return Ok(());

            // delay handling on condition.
            if check_addr(addr) {
        _ => {}


// arbitrary function for checking client address
fn check_addr(_: &std::net::SocketAddr) -> bool {

This is a simple example of how to tap into both high level WebContext and low level Stream type for different layer of rate limiting. The high level one is what you want to do in most case. The latter goes into layer 4 types handling directly and can be error prone if you are not familiar with it.

And also do take these note into mind:

fakeshadow commented 8 months ago

@andodeki This is an example of rate limiting with xitca-web

xitca-web = { version = "0.2.2", features = ["rate-limit"] } 

use xitca_web::{handler::handler_service, middleware::rate_limit::RateLimit, route::get, App};

fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
        .at("/", get(handler_service(|| async { "hello,world!" })))
        // limit client to 60rps based on it's ip address. 
andodeki commented 8 months ago

alright let me test this out.

fakeshadow commented 8 months ago

xitca-web 0.2 has been released addressing everything in this issue.