When I start Zspin, I've a main menu with 2 Wheels.
I start on HD games (I see the HD Games's Wheel) but I've the Retro Games's theme. If I move one, I've the Retro Games's wheel and Zspin Relaod Retro Games's theme.
It's just on start after one move or go to subwheel and back, that's work.
When I start Zspin, I've a main menu with 2 Wheels. I start on HD games (I see the HD Games's Wheel) but I've the Retro Games's theme. If I move one, I've the Retro Games's wheel and Zspin Relaod Retro Games's theme. It's just on start after one move or go to subwheel and back, that's work.
My Main Menu
My Json