HFpostdoc / PitcherPlants

Post-doctoral research at Harvard Forest looking at changes in networks associated with Pitcher Plants.
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Fib5 check color gradients and clarify legends #223

Closed MKLau closed 7 years ago

MKLau commented 7 years ago

One minor comment is regarding Fig. 5B. The grey tones make it difficult to see what is going on here (color?). Am I right in thinking that the lines are on top of each other for the initial drop and then depart from one another on their return to an oligotrophic state. If so, we should state this in the figure legend and/or indicate this on the graph in some way.

Also, each figure legend should more clearly mention what the circles are (e.g., open grey circles indicate the time of prey addition) and maybe consider different colors for start and endpoints so it is absolutely clear (along the arrows should clue people in).