HFpostdoc / PitcherPlants

Post-doctoral research at Harvard Forest looking at changes in networks associated with Pitcher Plants.
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L264: change #225

Closed MKLau closed 7 years ago

MKLau commented 7 years ago

change "Second, varying β had a larger effect either on the percent time spent in an hypoxic state or the return rate (steeper contours with increas- ing β in 4. Last, varying the amount of prey by two orders of magnitude produced a sharper threshold of the effect of varying β for hypoxia and return rate (Fig. 4)."


"Second, varying β had a large effect on the percent time spent in an hypoxic state and the return rate (steeper contours with increasing β in 4. Last, varying the amount of prey by two orders of magnitude produced a sharp threshold for the effect of varying β on hypoxia and return rate (Fig. 4)."