HFpostdoc / PitcherPlants

Post-doctoral research at Harvard Forest looking at changes in networks associated with Pitcher Plants.
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CCM - framework for determining causation #75

Closed MKLau closed 7 years ago

MKLau commented 10 years ago


MKLau commented 7 years ago

New R package for CCM from Sugihara's collaborators


MKLau commented 7 years ago

Also, the multiSpatialCCM package is designed to work with multiple, "stitched together" time series.


MKLau commented 7 years ago

Distinguishing time-delayed causal interactions using convergent cross mapping


Hao Ye, Ethan R. Deyle, Luis J. Gilarranz & George Sugihara Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 14750 (2015) doi:10.1038/srep14750 Download Citation Nonlinear phenomenaPalaeoclimatePopulation dynamics Received: 07 April 2015 Accepted: 18 August 2015 Published online: 05 October 2015

Abstract An important problem across many scientific fields is the identification of causal effects from observational data alone. Recent methods (convergent cross mapping, CCM) have made substantial progress on this problem by applying the idea of nonlinear attractor reconstruction to time series data. Here, we expand upon the technique of CCM by explicitly considering time lags. Applying this extended method to representative examples (model simulations, a laboratory predator-prey experiment, temperature and greenhouse gas reconstructions from the Vostok ice core, and long-term ecological time series collected in the Southern California Bight), we demonstrate the ability to identify different time-delayed interactions, distinguish between synchrony induced by strong unidirectional-forcing and true bidirectional causality, and resolve transitive causal chains.