Open HGustavs opened 5 years ago
Can you give an example where it doesn't work? @HGustavs
Tested on diagram editor only, so unsure as to how wide spread this is and what happens.
I was testing some code in the diagram editor and no alerts were displayed. No errors in console.
Tested with firefox, and alerts happened as expected.
I made this test case code to see what happens.
In firefox, I get an alert "Mack" and another alert "Theknife" every time I press a key.
In chrome I only get the "Mack" alert an no "Theknife" ...
I tested it in a couple of other locations and same result, alerts outside the code, before running the main scritp are displayed in chrome, but after that no movement.
Unclear if the same thing happens outside of the diagramming component.
var diagram = [];
function keyDownHandler(e) {
var key = e.keyCode;
if(appearanceMenuOpen) return;
if((key == deleteKey || key == backspaceKey)) {
Is it only my chrome installation that has this problem or is it more wide-spread?
Alerts only pop up when a super user is logged in. Used chrome in 3 different PCs and it worked perfectly fine. Might be your installation but make sure you are logged in as a super user and check if the alert() works as intended. @HGustavs
I dont understand the part about superuser?
So if not logged in as a super-user I can use the interface but no alerts?
This issue may have been fixed in this version?
There used to be code that captured the alert function for custom alerts. I think it may have been related to this? (in chrome it is more complicated to copy paste from alerts.)
@HGustavs Maybe, From what i have seen and read from previous solutions, this issue seem to be the core to the whole super-user alert functionality. The JS window.Alert() function is not permitted if you're not a super-user.
@HGustavs Either way if a super-user is not logged in, the window.alert value is set to null. I have no idea if this is intended or not but it does this either way. You mentioned that custom alerts where added. What is the function for this called?
Japp den fuktionen är det.
Kommer inte ihåg den issuen.... om den är fixad eller ej.
Ett av problemen med alertarna är att i chrome kan man inte copy pejsta från alerts lika smidigt som i firefox.... så någon form av custom alertbox är inte helt fel.
Låter rimilgt att slutanvändare ej får se felmeddelandena.
men enligt denna issuen verkar det inte vara 100%-igt. Vissa issues bromsas men andra visas?
Viktigt är att inga alerts försvinner ut i cyberrymden.
Är det så att alla alerts visas utan problem så är jag nöjd då kan ni stänga denna.
@HGustavs Alla alerts visas om man är super-user som sagt. Issue:n jag länkade tidigare hänvisar till funktionens syfte men dom syns hos firefox, oavsett om man är super-user eller ej.
Om vi stänger denna issue:n och öppnar en annan som ersätter window.alert till en custom alert som man kan copy/paste från i både chrome och firefox? Vad som händer i firefox (från vidare undersöking), När den känner igen att window.alert = null så återställer den automatiskt till default medans chrome låter den vara i null!
It seems like the javascript alerts that are used for error messages do not work?
These alerts are very important for debuggingl.
The bug may be there in more than one view? I noticed it in the diagram view specificially but probably the issue is wide spread?