HHK1 / PryntTrimmerView

A set of tools to trim, crop and select frames inside a video
MIT License
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New Pod version for swift 4.2 #37

Closed s4cha closed 5 years ago

s4cha commented 5 years ago

Hi @HHK1

We are encountering an issue with Swift 4.2 on our picker. https://github.com/Yummypets/YPImagePicker/issues/224

After some research, it looks like we'd need to have a pod version uploaded for PryntTrimmerView in swift 4.2.

Trying to link the dependency from the tag3.0.0-beta.1 doesn't work for some reason unfortunately :/

[!] Invalid `YPImagePicker.podspec` file: [!] Unsupported version requirements.

 #  from /Users/sacha/Projects/YPImagePicker/YPImagePicker.podspec:16
 #  -------------------------------------------
 #    s.dependency 'SteviaLayout', '~> 4.4.0'
 >    s.dependency 'PryntTrimmerView', :git => 'https://github.com/HHK1/PryntTrimmerView.git', :tag => '3.0.0-beta.1'
 #    s.resources    = ['Resources/*', 'Source/**/*.xib']
 #  -------------------------------------------

I think you'd need to push a new version for instance 2.1.0 based on 3.0.0-beta.1 code then pod trunk push.

Thanks a ton for your help :)

HHK1 commented 5 years ago

Yes, I believe that Carthage does not support tags marked as pre-release. Have you tried pointing at the latest commit on master ? I'll take a look at this hopefully today, otherwise tomorrow

s4cha commented 5 years ago

@HHK1, Carthage works fine actually. The issue is only with Cocoapods. I don't remember if I tried using commits so I can give it a shot tomorrow in the meantime. Let me know if I can be of any help on this ;)

NikKovIos commented 5 years ago

The :branch => 'master' instead of :tag doesn't work as well. That's because the PryntTrimmerView is by prynt in cocoapods : https://cocoapods.org/pods/PryntTrimmerView and in your podspec: https://github.com/HHK1/PryntTrimmerView/blob/master/PryntTrimmerView.podspec And it's not registered there as HHK1, so the cocoapods doesn't see that pod. You need to trunk the pod with HHK1 and change the podspec AFAK.

billandr commented 5 years ago

@s4cha update the YPImagePicker.podspec to remove the source location; you can't do that. s.dependency 'PryntTrimmerView', '~> 3.0.0'

HHK1 commented 5 years ago

@NikKovIos Good catch, I recently transferred ownership, but haven't made that change yet

s4cha commented 5 years ago

@billandr Thanks for chiming in, I believe the latest version up is 2.0.1 though https://cocoapods.org/pods/PryntTrimmerView So running pod spec lint yields None of your spec sources contain a spec satisfying the dependency: PryntTrimmerView (~> 3.0.0).

HHK1 commented 5 years ago

I've published a new tagged version, with the pre-built framework for Carthage. Sadly I can't publish the release on the trunk, I don't have access to my prynt.co email anymore. I'll see how I can regain access, can you try with the latest tag in the meantime ?

NikKovIos commented 5 years ago

s.dependency 'PryntTrimmerView', :git => 'https://github.com/HHK1/PryntTrimmerView.git', :tag => '3.0.0' s.dependency 'PryntTrimmerView', :git => 'https://github.com/HHK1/PryntTrimmerView.git', :commit => '9841375d4730e959f95fb8bc141f3cbf01610b6e' Still doesn't work It's strange, any ideas?

HHK1 commented 5 years ago

Hmm, pointing to the master branch or the tag inside your Podfile will work if you use directly the pod in your project, but that is not possible when defining a pod dependency inside a .podspec. See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22447062/how-do-i-create-a-cocoapods-podspec-that-has-a-dependency-that-exists-outside-of/22475228#22475228

I've filed a claim to regain ownership of the project, once it is resolved, I'll be able to publish the tag on cocoapods. Sorry for the inconvenience.

NikKovIos commented 5 years ago

We can copy your lib's code inside ours. What do you think about it?

s4cha commented 5 years ago

Yeah looks like dependencies can't point to specific git repos, it has to be up in the master pod repository. @HHK1 no problem, these things happen ! We are actually using your work so thank You 🙏

s4cha commented 5 years ago

@NikKovIos that would be an option but seems a bit overkill for something temporary 😄

HHK1 commented 5 years ago

Yes I agree with @s4cha, it should be resolved very soon, so I don't think it's necessary. Transitioning to new versions of Swift always take some time :)

NikKovIos commented 5 years ago

Ok, i just suggested)

s4cha commented 5 years ago

Sometimes I dream of a world where everybody uses Carthage xD.

billandr commented 5 years ago

Yeah looks like dependencies can't point to specific git repos, it has to be up in the master pod repository. @HHK1 no problem, these things happen ! We are actually using your work so thank You 🙏

exactly - but you can still point the source elsewhere by making sure that you declare the Pod before declaring the pod that has the dependency and it will use the "Name" as a key/value pair and pull down whatever version you want.

NikKovIos commented 5 years ago

Carthage have a one big disadvantage - u can't fastly correct code and debug, like you can with cocoapods.

jlaws commented 5 years ago


HHK1 commented 5 years ago

https://cocoapods.org/pods/PryntTrimmerView, version 3.0.0 has been published

HHK1 commented 5 years ago

@s4cha @NikKovIos Once you confirm everything works for you, you can close this issue

s4cha commented 5 years ago

Works on my side 🚀 , Thanks a ton for your help on this @HHK1 🙏

s4cha commented 5 years ago

@jlaws @billandr is that good on your side as well?

billandr commented 5 years ago

@jlaws @billandr is that good on your side as well?

it always worked on my end because I had to fork to a private repo anyway for a missing feature that allows the app too provide the initial start / end point.

jlaws commented 5 years ago

Works great, thank you!