ACF's OPRE OPS product. Code name Unicorn.
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Dynamic noun for an agreement's third party #774

Open jonnalley opened 1 year ago

jonnalley commented 1 year ago

User Story

As an OPRE staff member, I want the accepted language to describe an outside entity associated with an agreement so that ambiguity and uncertainty is further reduced when using OPS.

Acceptance Criteria


Definition of Done Checklist

Additional Context & Resources

jonnalley commented 1 year ago

Is user research needed to see if a common term would be preferred over changing field names? or would it be better to adapt as the story reads?

jonnalley commented 1 year ago

@kimschulke @andressacurvelo reminder for us that if we end up abandoning a generic singular "create agreement" interface this story will presumably be moot ?

kimschulke commented 1 year ago

yes, if we change to a unique workflow for each agreement type, every aspect of that flow could be more customized to the agreement type including the "partner" phrasing differences - good to note for future consideration!