Organizations are located in and/or serving very specific geographies. Currently, there's no way to add geographic search filters to results. For instance, searching "environmental justice" returns a lot of results for international aid or for specific countries (e.g., Mexico) that will be irrelevant to applicants from Alabama.
Build a search API feature that, for at least some NOFOs, restricts search results to the geographies that are affiliated with the applicant that is searching for NOFOs.
The challenge with this milestone will be that few NOFOs have easily accessible, clearly tagged geographic data. Perhaps we can setup a system of adding this data per NOFO, or crowdsourcing the data with verification.
Organizations are located in and/or serving very specific geographies. Currently, there's no way to add geographic search filters to results. For instance, searching "environmental justice" returns a lot of results for international aid or for specific countries (e.g., Mexico) that will be irrelevant to applicants from Alabama.
Build a search API feature that, for at least some NOFOs, restricts search results to the geographies that are affiliated with the applicant that is searching for NOFOs.
The challenge with this milestone will be that few NOFOs have easily accessible, clearly tagged geographic data. Perhaps we can setup a system of adding this data per NOFO, or crowdsourcing the data with verification.
Definition of Done