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[Task]: Update README with open source runbook content #402

Closed sumiat closed 1 year ago

sumiat commented 1 year ago


The USDR team has provided content in a runbook format to support the Open Source factor of our project. This body of work focuses on incorporating that content into our Grants Equity repo in sections such as, README.md, CONTRIBUTING.md.

This ticket is updating the Grants Equity repo README with the README section from the OS runbook.

Acceptance criteria

acouch commented 1 year ago

I've started this https://github.com/HHS/grants-equity/tree/acouch/issue-402-update-readme-usdr

andycochran commented 1 year ago

Moving this here from the duplicate issue… 

Currently, the README in the root directory is missing information under the first 5 headings.

It would be helpful if this README included an easy-to-find link to the milestones right up front. Beta site users are told to "read our project goals and milestones" and should be able to easily find them from the github.com/HHS/grants-equity URL.


Perhaps the README should also link back to beta site (once we have a URL pointed).