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[10k]: Analytics - Incremental export of GitHub data #775

Open widal001 opened 10 months ago

widal001 commented 10 months ago


Set up a process/system for incrementally exporting data from GitHub instead of exporting the full set of project and issue data.

Business Goals

Problem: As the number of issues in our repository grows, we'll approach a point where it's no longer feasible to export all of issue and project from our repo. Additionally, the current strategy of exporting all data misses an opportunity to compare historical changes to issue status.

Value: Setting up a process for storing historical data and switching to incremental exports allows us to increase the long-term sustainability of exporting our issue and project data.


In scope

Out of scope


Definition of Done

widal001 commented 11 hours ago

Replacing our old 10k ft deliverable issues with a new Epic format

widal001 commented 10 hours ago

Reopening for review during sprint planning