HHS81 / c182s

Cessna C182S (1996 model) for FlightGear
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Convert flashlight to compositor lights #556

Closed hbeni closed 5 months ago

hbeni commented 6 months ago

It may be an idea to convert the flashlight to a compositor light.

This would probably be better because all 3D elements are properly lightened that way, including the plane outside :)

hbeni commented 6 months ago

Related commits (PR was #259 14.02.2018) for removal of old ALS flashlight:

Related info for compositor lights

hbeni commented 6 months ago

Cool would be if the flashlught could be used by the walker outside the plane.

Even cooler would be if we could use the mouse pointer to direct the light. This would make light direction and view direction independent.