HHS81 / c182s

Cessna C182S (1996 model) for FlightGear
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Throttle / Prop / Mix: Mousewheel scroll is too aggressive #570

Closed hbeni closed 6 months ago

hbeni commented 6 months ago

Currently, the mouse scroll wheel adjustment is somewhat aggressive with the engine controls.


TheFGFSEagle commented 6 months ago

factor 0.01 is good for fine adjustments, but when you want to set it quickly it is too small. So what I did on my aircraft is, to have the <action> with <factor> = 0.01, and a <shift-action> with <factor> = 0.1 - that way you can press Shift when you want a quick adjustment, and have fine control otherwise.

PS: Actually, on the C310 I've done it yet differently - there, there is a friction lock, and the throttle / mix / prop <factor> is set to the friction lock adjustment - which allows for even greater control over the throttle / mix / prop adjustment speed.

hbeni commented 6 months ago

How is the friction lock operated in the C310?

TheFGFSEagle commented 6 months ago

There is a knob on each side of the control pedestal (interconnected) in reality - in my model it's only on the right side ATM ! 🤣

hbeni commented 6 months ago

The friction locks at the C182 are different for each control:

So maybe we should do it this way:

This way its backwards compatible but completely in the users control - in a realistic way :)

However: This way the throttle would behave differently; so maybe the [alt] keybind should just simulate the friction lock to be tightened when depressed and loosened when released; This would yield a consistent user interface.

Throttle grafik

Prop grafik

Mix grafik

TheFGFSEagle commented 6 months ago

Alt key for the friction locks, because we also keep the Shift key for big adjustments ?

hbeni commented 6 months ago

Alt key for the friction locks, because we also keep the Shift key for big adjustments ?

Indeed :)

TheFGFSEagle commented 6 months ago

Okay, sounds good ! :)

hbeni commented 6 months ago

Footage for the travel of the prop lever is hard to find.

TheFGFSEagle commented 6 months ago

I've checked out the Issue-570_smallLeverAdjustments branch, but the behaviour I see in-sim doesn't correspond to

So maybe we should do it this way:

  • Throttle

    • add [alt] keybind which adjusts the friction lock
    • friction lock adjusts movement increments
    • set friction lock defaults like they are now
  • Prop

    • add [alt] keybind which then allows to control the vernier
  • Mixture

    • behaves like prop

This way its backwards compatible but completely in the users control - in a realistic way :)

However: This way the throttle would behave differently; so maybe the [alt] keybind should just simulate the friction lock to be tightened when depressed and loosened when released; This would yield a consistent user interface.

All three controls (throttle, prop and mix) change by 5% when scrolled without any keys, 10% with shift and 1% with Alt.

hbeni commented 6 months ago

Yes, that is intended. I decided against the initial idea for user ecperience, because it poses a two action process for the throttle (friction lock) versus one action process for the mix and prop (vernier).

Now its a consisten one-action process for all three levers. It simulated the friction lock in the way that its tightened while you hold alt, and loosened when releasing alt. With mix and prop, alt simluates the screwing action. This way, the user has a consistent interface to deal with.

TheFGFSEagle commented 6 months ago

Oh okay, then it works as expected ! :)

hbeni commented 6 months ago

Thx for testing!